Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Day Six


Jon Stewart, who recently announced his upcoming retirement from the Daily Show, has purchased land in New Jersey where he will be providing sanctuary for abused and abandoned farm animals. His retirement is bad news for those of us who rely on his political savvy and comedy to get us through the craziness of our times. But it is very good news for the animals he will be rescuing.

Many people are scratching their heads and wondering why he would give up such a lucrative career and strategic platform to help animals. I think what Jon Stewart has figured out, after years of trying to get people to see how ridiculous politics, as well as some media outlets (fox) can be is that, not only is the emperor naked, people are enjoying it. And, perhaps he has come to the realization that trying to help the human race, while its shooting itself in its foot, can be a thankless, pointless exercise in futility. But that's my spin on it. 

Believe me, I understand how tempting it is to want to turn your back on everything "human." I mean, humans are responsible for so much destruction, and they never seem to learn. Animals, on the other hand, are helpless. Even endangered ones are still being hunted for sport by numbskulls who are too stupid or selfish to recognize the impact of their actions!  Animals raised to be part of the food chain can be the most neglected and abused. In Thailand, for example, dogs are not only captured, stuffed into cages and sold to be used for meat, they are often skinned and boiled alive because it is thought the torture makes the meat softer. How does that image make you feel?

Here in the USA, animals raised to be part of the food chain don't fare much better. If you haven't seen footage of how chickens are treated in poultry factories, well, let's say you'll be off nuggets for awhile. Recently, the seemingly well fed governor of New Jersey would not sign a bill which would provide for more humane treatment of pigs. You see, they are currently confined in tiny spaces where they cannot turn around. What kind of person couldn't find it in their heart (I'm assuming he has one) to grant a simple act of kindness toward another creature. And this brings me to a subject which burns in my soul - Premarin.

History of conjugated estrogens (Premarin): As I wrote in another post, the estrogen, Premarin, has been marketed in the US since 1942, but was actually sold decades before that by travelling salesmen to help women relieve symptoms of menopause. God knows, humans cannot navigate through life's challenges and changes without their pharmaceuticals. About - oh - fifteen years ago, Premarin was sold in pill form and lots of doctors were prescribing it - until - women started having heart attacks and strokes. Once again, people substituted one symptom for a host of other deadly ones thanks to Big Pharma. It was quickly taken off the market. Here's where it gets interesting. Because most people don't do their homework and blindly trust - for want of a better term - the system - they did not have a clue as to how Premarin was made. The dumbasses who named it even told us: PREgnant MARes' UrINe. Talk about the unsuspecting public...

Reality of collecting pregnant mares' urine: Brood mare facilities are located in predominately remote areas in Northern US and Canada. These areas are, for the most part, very cold with harsh winters. The mares are bred, and for the entire gestational period (approx. 11 months) are kept in a metal stall in which they cannot turn around or move because they are hooked up to a catheter. As soon as they foal, the baby is removed from them and they are bred again in about a week. This is so a pharmaceutical company can collect enough pregnant mares' urine to supply a country full of aging women with enough of the stuff to keep them from getting hot.

If I sound angry and bitter it's BECAUSE I AM! When the lawsuits starting pouring in, the companies started closing down production and the horses went to auction. Some went to horse meat factories; the lucky ones were rescued. My horse was one of those lucky to be rescued. Words cannot describe how wonderful she was. And how sick. We spent thousands of dollars on her care, and ended up sending her back to a colder climate so she could breathe. Remember when I said the brood mare farms are usually in remote, cold climates? Most of the mares have lifelong health issues from breathing cold air and being on a cathether 24/7/11. Poco's lungs were so damaged, Florida air was toxic to her. Sending her away saved her life and broke my heart.

Well, we didn't see the last of Premarin in the 90's. No, it's baa-ack. This time it has been re-purposed and sold as a vaginal cream to "make intercourse less painful." WTF! I am ready for that spaceship to take me away...

So, kudos to you, Jon Stewart. I think, after years of trying to help stupid humans you have finally realized the ones truly worthy of your attention.

PS - when my husband returns, I will ask him to post a picture of Poco. I may be able to type but I don't have a clue as to how one posts pictures! I love my husband, and miss him - today is his birthday.

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