Saturday, June 20, 2015

Day Fifty Eight


Tell me What you Really Think

Dash is now free to roam the whole house. During the day. I just don't trust him to not kill himself during the night. So he is safely enclosed in his condo. Convincing Jack and Rooney to not chase him has been a challenge. He looks like a furry toy buzzing around. He's just made to be chased.  I don't actually speak dog and cat, but these guys make it pretty easy to translate body language.

The entire cast commiserating:

All: "What did Mom bring home this time? Smells like another cat!"

Jack: "Great! Just one more thing for me to keep track of."

Rooney: "Doesn't look like a cat! Have you seen how fast it can run?"

Fancy: "Wait a minute! I'm fast!"

Jack: "All I know is, she gets really mad if I chase it."

Eli: "Well, I consider this an insult. There are too many of you cats here as it is. And I was here first."

Chance: "He hissed at me! Me!"

Finn: "I know! Me, too! I hissed right back. That shut him up."

Fancy: "I think he's cute but I told him not to mess with me."

Eli: "Did you see the stuff she got for him? I was checking it out. He has his own litter box, for crying out loud!"

Fancy: "I haven't even gone in there. Who cares? She still feeds us fifty times a day - whenever I ask her -  thank you very much."

Eli: "Well, I bopped him on the head and you know what he did? He hit me back! Of all the nerve..."

Fancy, Eli and Finn: "We want to go out - pleeeze!" (Those three went out to the porch.)

Chance: "It's too hot. I'm staying in."

A few minutes passed and I noticed Chance and Dash playing tag. Chance hasn't had anybody to play with so he's a little out of shape. I think these two are going to be buddies.

Meanwhile, Jack has taken his position on the couch, overseeing all activity. Rooney is now focused on getting Dad to give her more scrambled eggs. Fancy has decided it's too hot out and came back in. Finn and Eli are still searching for lizards. A rhythm has returned to the Matchett household.

'Helping dad'
Watcha doin'?
Dash helping me write the blog.

9oooooo0po (Dash's contribution to the blog.)
'I need to stretch before I chase him'
I need to stretch before a workout with the new guy!


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