Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Day Forty Eight


It's quiet here this morning. Except for Eli's plaintive wail at my bedroom door, because he hasn't realized I'm sitting right here in the kitchen, everyone else has gone back to sleep after breakfast.  They've had a rough couple of weeks. My coughing had to have been an assault on their poor ears. Fancy stopped sitting with me at night because every time I started hacking, my whole body shook with spasms, sending him bouncing into the air!  I put all of that in the past tense because I think I may have finally turned a corner. Fingers crossed.

I have such a happy little sanctuary here. When everyone's content and getting along, it's great. Of course there are the moments when things go sideways. Last night, for example, Fancy wanted brother Finn to play with him. Fancy never had the kitten time to learn how to play like the other guys did. He tries, but sometimes gets a little too carried away. Unlike Eli, who is a worthy adversary, Finn usually surrenders, leaving Fancy even more confused and frustrated. But they eventually work it out.  

Miss Rooney, in a gesture completely out of character for her, decided to mess with Fancy when he was done messing with Finn. All a Bully has to do is juke Fonz-like at a cat, and they lose it.  Jack, who had been watching a show about Bigfoot on TV, perked up and said, "Are we chasing cats now? I'm in!"  All three went tearing into the darkened living room. My loud, "Ex-cuh-use Me!!! We Do Not Chase Cats Here!!" stopped Jack and Rooney long enough for Fancy to escape to higher ground. Order was restored.

Speaking of Bigfoot, I saw something so ridiculous on TV, I just have to comment on it. Now, there are many shows and websites dedicated to the elusive Bigfoot (Sasquatch,Yeti, Skunk Ape, Abominable Snowman, etc.) Most are educational, albeit futile, attempts to prove the existence of the creature. Take the "Finding Bigfoot" crew for example. That they never come close to seeing one makes me wonder how they keep their jobs. But there they are, year after year, drawing us in, then leaving us frustrated over and over and over...

People are fascinated with the unknown. Most rational people confine that fascination to benign observation; rational being the operative word. The more reasoned of these want to take a "Jane Goodall approach" wherein one observes what may be an unidentified species of primate and tries to interact with it in a non-confrontational way. Sounds good to me.

Then there are those who think killing a "Bigfoot" is the best way to prove their existence. One such group in Texas, where else, is called GCBRO (Gulf Coast Bigfoot Research Organization.) Using the word "research" is misleading. What these good old boys want desperately to do is blow a "Bigfoot" to smithereens. So they don't sound like bloodthirsty ghouls, they claim they're doing it to "help the many people" who've been victimized by "Bigfoot." In their minds, "Bigfoot" has become a public nuisance, killing chickens and peering in windows and stuff. These guys consider themselves Bigfoot Busters. Clad in ghillie suits and brandishing heavy fire power, these clowns - er - hunters - have made it their mission to track and kill a "Bigfoot" - for science, of course. You know how this will end, right? One of these trigger happy clowns will shoot a ghillie-clad buddy and they'll all end up in jail. No, wait, they're in Texas. They'll be heroes...

I am constantly amazed at the disconnect that causes some people to take a scorched earth policy regarding the unknown, whether it's a species or a lifestyle. That these same people often cloak themselves in righteousness and convince themselves they are doing "God's will" or "protecting the vulnerable" only makes it more terrifying. Their only antidote to what they perceive is dwindling power is to grab a weapon and start shooting. Sometimes that "weapon" is the Bible. Sometimes it's hate speech. Too often it's an actual loaded gun.

To my dear friend who has pulled me back from the dark side many times over the years, I'm sorry. I know you prefer the funnier side of me. But every once in awhile, the sad observer just has to vent. I'll try to be funny tomorrow.

Meanwhile, here are some cute animals pics to lighten the mood...

You're gonna put what in here?

Please don't eat me!

What? I thought this was a new bed.

How come we never thought of this before?

It's not a cat bed. It's mine.

Food or foot - it's your choice...

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