Friday, April 15, 2016

Day Three Hundred Fifty Eight

Aby Apocalypse

I have been typing with one hand because Boo! is very needy today and wants to be held. It may be because she got into a lot of trouble last night. Quelle surprise!

Andy was in the kitchen; I was in my comfy chair - when, all of a sudden, there was a very loud crash and a burst of light! I thought he put a spoon in the microwave! We both yelled, "What the hell was that!?" which meant neither of us was the perp.

I was afraid to turn around because I was sure I would see an electrocuted body. When I finally got up the courage, I looked behind me and there was Copper's terrarium, teetering on the edge of the credenza, with Miss Boo! behind it, pushing to get at the crickets inside.

Let me stop here and say, this is no flimsy plastic box. It is made of glass and is very heavy. I cannot easily move it. That a four pound baby cat pushed it with ease says a lot about the sheer determination of an Aby.

The flash of light was the result of her getting tangled in the cords and pulling one of the lights over, which turned it into a spotlight illuminating the family room.

As soon as Boo! heard her name being shouted in vain, she bolted and hid in a box in the dining room. Andy came running in and helped me push the terrarium back and set the lights in position. Of course, he touched the metal shade, which is terribly hot.

Personal Damage Assessment:

Two heart arrhythmias
One burned finger
One traumatized lizard

Miss Boo! and Brother Dash went to bed immediately following the incident. I'm sure he doesn't appreciate having to share the consequences of her actions, but I simply cannot put her in a room all by herself. She's mischievous, not evil.

It's not exactly a prison, either. They have everything they could possibly need: food, water, two litter boxes, tons of toys, a cat tree and lots of stuff to explore but not kill or damage. As a matter of fact, during the day, if I'm looking for them, I will often find them in there napping or looking out of the window.

I have also figured out, if I wait to let them out in the morning until after I have doled out food and chopped Copper's salad, I can do it without shooing them out of my way fifty times. Boo! is so intent on watching me chop greens, I worry she's going to lose the tip of her nose or a toe. Dash is fascinated by running water. Both of them try to eat everybody else's food. Abys are not for the weak or feint of heart.

They are, however, the cutest, most entertaining creatures on the planet. If you have lots of patience and don't mind the frequent, heart stopping moments when one is standing precariously close to something breakable; darts between your legs into a no-go-zone when you have a bus to catch; flies out of nowhere and lands on you like an aerial act from La Nouba.  Sometimes it's like they expect to hear applause.

Just now, I went out to get the mail and, when I returned, Boo! appeared out of nowhere to "help" me open it. When I wouldn't let her paw the letter opener and possibly cut herself on the blade, she switched gears and tried to climb into the open cupboard. The one where we keep odds and ends like medicine, batteries and coffee cups.

When I removed her from the counter, she gave me a look I've seen many times before on the faces of my kids and grandkids. The one that says, "You're no fun. And you're mean."  So be're still alive, thanks to this No-fun Meanie.

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