Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Day Three Hundred Forty Eight

Colors, Chaos, Clothes and Cuckoos 

It's been an eventful morning. The pool guy was here pretty early dropping off tile and paint samples for us to choose pool finish and deck color. Of course this was a major thing for the cats, what with all the new stuff to smell and knock off the counter.

At one point, I went into the bedroom, expecting to just see Jack and Rooney, but there was Miss Boo! sprawled out on the bed like the Queen of the Nile on her barge. She blinked when she saw me then yawned.

Definitely a princess if not a queen!

Dash and Chance are annoying each other. I don't know why, but it's clear each wants the other to die. Chance is the hisser, while Dash is the silent menace who won't back down. I had to put both in timeout.

I can add doing laundry to the list of things which are impossible to do with Abys around. First of all, the laundry room is now an actual safe place to do laundry. However, Dash and Boo! think I ruined everything. They used to be able to dive and hide behind boxes and baskets - but no longer. Now, they stand in the middle of the uncluttered floor and just look up at me with utter disgust. See, this is why I don't clean...

Even folding clothes is a big thing with an Aby around. I know they've seen hanging clothes before, but it's like they've never, ever seen them until this moment. Something as simple as apron strings become living creatures which must be caught. Each string must be inspected for its attack worthiness. I ended up just giving Dash the clean apron to pull around the house like he caught some really cool thing with scary tentacles.

It's an apron, guys, an apron!

I have to keep telling myself they were designed to get into mischief and don't actually hear the word, "No." It must come out of my mouth at a decibel imperceptible to their ears. Everybody else knows what the word means. An Aby hears it as, "Please, go ahead and do what you're doing, no matter it is completely annoying me and making life more difficult right now." I'm the dumb one who forgets they are like human toddlers on crack. (Not that I've ever seen a human toddler on crack, thank God, but I have a vivid imagination.)

You know you've gone over the edge when you admonish visitors for not noticing your Bearded Dragon as they walk right past it to make a quick getaway; having been thoroughly overwhelmed by six cats. I did that just this morning.

The poor pool guy must have thought he fell down the rabbit hole as I stopped him at the door and said, "You never said hi to my lizard." His eyes got real wide and he looked around perhaps expecting to see the White Rabbit and the Queen of Hearts. No, just me and my OCD. In all fairness to me, Copper was watching the guy as he passed by and I just know she was disappointed when he ignored her. I just know these things...

You must speak to the lizard!
Off with his head!

Andy: I'm late! I'm late!
For a very important appointment!!
No time for this nonsense!

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