Sunday, May 10, 2015

Day Seventeen

Ears, Nails, Teeth

There's more to being a responsible parent to a fur kid than feeding and loving on them. To keep them healthy, ears, nails and teeth need attention. Persistent ear infections can indicate an ongoing yeast infection. Sometimes a change of diet can solve the problem. For both dogs and cats, giving them raw bones (NEVER COOKED) can keep teeth nice and clean. Simply put, the raw meat triggers digestive enzymes that break down plaque.

In this house, nails are the biggest challenge. Eli is the easiest one to groom. He spent some time as a show cat and got used to being fussed over. So, on nail day, I start with him. Chance is next. He doesn't like it, but lets me clip his nails. Finn, my calm kitty, hates to get his nails clipped. Sometimes he goes into a "death roll" (think alligator) and spins around in my lap, but I can usually calm him and get the job done. Fancy - well he finally let me clip all of his nails during one sitting a few days ago. It was a big triumph! When he first joined the household, he wouldn't let me touch his feet. So, I started massaging them as he sat on my lap. Then, I let him smell the clippers. I could get one nail clipped at a time before he would look at me like I had betrayed him and bolt off my lap. By the time I got through all of his nails, it was time to start over. So, for him to let me clip all of them at one sitting was a huge deal!

The Bullmastiffs are another matter. Their claws are like bear claws. I have gone through many clippers on them. Actually, the best thing to use on dog claws is a dremel. If you can get a dog used to a dremel, it does a good job and can be less stressful than clippers which can squeeze the nails, causing discomfort. I like to wait until they're asleep on the couch, then I zip through the nails pretty quickly. I have to vacuum the clippings up right away because stepping on one is like putting your foot down on an actual nail!

Unlike Eli, who came to enjoy the pampering of a show cat, when Rooney was being shown, she hated all of the fuss. She had to be bathed, then ears, teeth, nose and nails had to be immaculate. I came to use coconut oil a lot, which makes dry skin supple. That she liked. Rooney equates nail clipping to - well - whatever a dog thinks is the worst thing to happen. Yesterday, while she was asleep on the couch, I decided to do her nails. So, I got up to look for the clippers. Rooney knew exactly what I was thinking. She jumped off the couch and ran into the living room where she climbed into a chair and tucked all four feet under her. Nobody was getting near those toes! Hours later, no matter where she went, she kept those feet tucked under her. It wasn't until the evening that she finally let her guard down. It was a tug of war, but I got the job done.

Taking care of them isn't always easy, but it has to be done. I have to laugh because our life now, in many ways, parallels what is was like when our kids were small. Mom meant business. Dad was the one whose arrival home brought squeals of delight! Mom kept track of homework; Dad planned fun trips. At the beach, Mom sat on a blanket, pretending to read a book, while Dad played with them in the surf. Jack and Rooney are the same way. Mom means business. Dad's arrival means Party Time!

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