Sunday, May 31, 2015

Day Thirty Eight

The Wall

There was a lot of chaos going on here yesterday. A lot. And it all started over a wall.

Surrounding our small backyard is a wall covered in vines. When we built this house twenty six years ago, the folks who had built first, next to us, somehow missed the part where other houses were going to be built around them. There they were, in the middle of a subdivision, acting as though they were on an island. We, the interlopers nearest them, drove them crazy. We still do. Our house was too close, our pool cleaner too loud, our kids were too kid-like, etc. etc. etc.

So they erected a wall. Then they planted a vine. Not just any vine. I think they imported it from the same place Kudzu came from. You know what that has done to an entire state. I'm pretty sure the Disney animators patterned the vine blocking the castle in Sleeping Beauty after it. This vine climbed the wall and has covered the whole thing. Its roots have destroyed our front lawn. Fortunately, I do not care about things like grass and such. But it has been a long twenty six years. 

To add to its charm, this vine from hell has been a haven for all sorts of creatures, too. I'm not exaggerating. It has been like a multi-species condo complex. Everything from rats and snakes to owls and possums have found refuge in its thick, foliage covered tentacles. Don't get me wrong. I love all animals. It's just a bit disconcerting to see rats frolicking on the wall surrounding your property. And when Big Foot crawls out, and I'm sure he will, I'm out.

Oh, and did I mention, the NFH (neighbors from hell) hate animals. Imagine being an animal lover living next door to the animal haters from hell. So, when feral cats showed up in the area, these folks went ballistic. That the ferals kept the rats away meant nothing to them. To them, ferals are going to bring about the Apocalypse and must be stopped. To keep them from calling Animal Control, which spells certain death for ferals, I started TNR  (Trap, Neuter and Release) in the neighborhood. Had no idea what I was doing, but I cared too much to see the NFH have those creatures destroyed.

So, back to yesterday. The stupid wall must be maintained. In order for it to grow as high as the NFH require to block their view of our existence, it has to be trimmed. While they clip their side with manicure scissors, every time our lawn folks try to touch our side, they run over and stop them! They have also done this with tree trimmers, house painters, roofers, etc. They could have a grow house in their backyard, I would not know, because I do not insert myself into other people's business. Because they have chased off every person trying to trim it, the wall has become overgrown and ready to fall over on our side. These people just cannot connect dots.

We had a crew ready to work on our side of The Wall. No sooner did they crank up their weed whackers, when Mr. NFH trotted over to stop them. Did I mention, this guy is also the HOA president. Mainly because nobody else wants the job. He thinks he is invincible. Now, over the years, I have gone toe-to-toe with both Mr. and Mrs. NFH, but I've been sick and just didn't have the energy. So, I got my husband. Andy, much like Fancy, is slow to anger, but when it comes - watch out. He is like a bull calmly grazing until a wolf steps into his pasture. The NFH got twenty six years of pent up frustration hurled right back at him. I could hear the Hallelujah Chorus playing in the background.

Needless to say, all of the animals picked up on the high stress level. Jack would not leave my side. He wasn't sure what was happening, but by gum, he wasn't going to let "it" get anywhere near me. The cats were dying of curiosity. They wanted out then in once they saw all the activity. And chainsaws. The wall looks like a kid who got a crew cut after letting his hair grow long. It's weird. And ugly. But, like my husband said, give it a few weeks and Big Foot will be back.

Can you see Big Foot peeking out?

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