Thursday, October 8, 2015

Day One Hundred Sixty Eight


I'm having difficulty concentrating today. I think Petey is nearing the end of his little hamster life. I am also having trouble being "funny" because there is nothing humorous about losing a pet. I know, because I have been through this too many times.

That he made it through the night was a real surprise. When I said good night to him last night, he was very weak and wobbly. Anticipating the worst, I told him I loved him and he has been an exceptionally good guy. I thought about how he put up with a lot, from cats sitting on top of his cage (which would be a lot like having a T-Rex sitting on the roof of your house) to little, sticky hands which passed him around and sometimes wore him like a hat. Not once did he ever nip those little fingers or even try to escape from their grasp.

Petey was actually named for a pet Andy and I had when we were in college. We inherited Petey I when my sister gave him up because he bit her. Maybe her fingers smelled like food or something, because he never bit us. Actually, he was a phenomenal pet. We had so much fun with that little guy.

Petey was an escape artist, though. Many times I would return from class to see Andy on his knees with the couch turned upside down because Petey had somehow gotten stuck inside. And Petey knew his name. He would always come when we called him. Every morning, we would say, "Good morning, Petey!" and he would peek out from his little hamster house. He would stretch, then amble out for his breakfast. He loved raisins and peanuts. As have just about all of the creatures in my purview, Petey got very large for a hamster. He was big, and lazy and lovable.

One day, I got the bright idea to get him some hamster friends. I brought home Jessie and Bandit. I also brought home the virus they apparently had which Petey caught. Within a few days, they were all gone. Petey died first. Andy and I both cried when we buried the little guy. He was a wonderful pet. Petey made me realize even the smallest of creatures can make quite an impact on our hearts.

So, when I was in a pet store a few years ago, and they announced a free hamster to a good home, I had to see what was going on. There, all by himself, was a hamster that looked very much like our Petey. Apparently, he was a lot bigger than the other male hamsters and they were ganging up on him. That did it. Petey Jr. came home with me - along with over one hundred dollars in hamster stuff. 

Our "free" hamster has been anything but over the past few years. He moved from a hamster cage to an aquarium to give him more room. He has had the best of care and yummy treats. And he has been loved by all. I don't know how I'm going to tell the kids he is gone. Little man predicted his demise a few months ago, and he takes everything in stride, so I think he'll be okay. But our granddaughter is the one who gave Petey the most attention. He even recognized her voice when she got here and came out of his igloo to see her. Damn. Why does it have to be like this... 

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