Sunday, October 4, 2015

Day One Hundred Sixty Four

October, October, I Love 'Ya, October!

Yay! Today is the 4th of October, and somewhat cooler weather has set in. By cooler, I mean in the 80's, not the 90's or 100's. Anyway, everybody loves it. The cats have been having a wonderful time chasing each other around the pool. Dash doesn't walk to his destination - he flies there. Every once in awhile he will either chase or be chased - but he wins no matter what.

It started to sprinkle and Fancy was the only one who came in out of the rain. The other guys would rather get wet than give up one moment of outdoor time. It's funny to me, because the cat who lived outdoors for the first year of his life, is the first to come in. He has no desire to be "out there" again. The others have never had a taste of life in the outside world, yet they're fascinated by it. Even animals are never satisfied.

They just don't realize
how good they have it.

I remember a time when I thought cats were boring and aloof. I thought they only bothered with a human when they wanted something. I also pictured teeth and claws when I thought of cats. Now that I live with cats, I can't imagine my life without them.

Fancy, for example, interacts with me constantly. He is like having a tiny human in a cat costume follow me around all day. He came in out of the rain, and I asked him how he got so wet. He said, "I don't know." Now, stay with me here. He has actually figured out how to mimic certain human sounds - like - yes, no, I don't know, and the best version of a whine I've ever heard.

I know Andy heard it by the look on his face. He has stopped doubting me when I tell him this stuff cause he's witnessed it. Either that or he's letting me go slowly crackers; gathering evidence, then will have me committed.

Canine Report: Miss Rooney has taken over the bed at night. If you happen to get up in the middle of the night to get a drink or use the bathroom, you will return to your spot now occupied by a huge dog. A huge, immovable dog. Last night, I got up and when I returned, she was in my spot, doing her best imitation of a dead dog. Just when I was about to give up and go into another bedroom, my hero woke up and enticed her to move over using a treat. She moved just enough for me to crawl into bed. There are three beds for the two of them - and one is an air mattress. But our bed is prime real estate.

It's a hard knock life...
It was nail trimming time. I have to do Rooney first. I wait until she's asleep then sneak up on her with the clippers. If Jack goes first she will run and hide; tucking her feet underneath her. If she is awake and sees me get the clippers - or even think about getting the clippers, she will run and hide those paws. Jack, on the other hand, acts like a brave soldier. He hates it but takes it like a man. Such drama over toenails.

We just had our nails cut! It was awful.
Don't we deserve treats?

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