So this was cute - Boo! is outside with everybody; taking a few brave steps around the pool. Dash, who didn't realize she was out there, was sitting quietly, staring up at the sky. I called to him and pointed out his little sister was out, too. I told him he should watch her. He got up and rushed over to her, just like I asked, and proceeded to follow her around.
Dash definitely takes this Big Brother business seriously. If Boo! appears to be headed for trouble, he is right there giving her a tap on the butt, steering her in another direction. It's fascinating. I don't know if it's possible, but Dash seems to be aware Boo! is another Aby. Maybe he's remembering playing with his littermates. All I know is, they make a great team.
It reminds me of one of several times our son literally saved his sister's life. This time, our kids were about two and five years old. We all went to meet an Amtrak train my parents were on. While Andy and I stood there on the platform, waving at the oncoming train, our two year daughter was wandering precariously close to the tracks. Our five year old son pulled her back in the knick of time! I looked down in horror at what might have happened, then scooped her up and told him what a good boy he was! He just stood there looking at us like, "WTH? Are you two paying attention? Aren't you supposed to be the parents here?" Most likely deciding then and there we were duds as parents, he has had her back ever since.
Speaking of brother/sister teams - Rooney has appointed herself spokes dog for the two of them. While Jack takes a more subtle approach to getting you to do his bidding - glares, claw scrapes on something valuable, simply opening a door himself - Rooney as determined humans use their voices to communicate, so she is doing the same.
When Rooney has decided I must have forgotten to feed them, even if they did have breakfast; it's three in the afternoon and they don't get supper until six, she starts telling me what's what. And she doesn't let up until they either get a treat or supper. She also uses this technique now when we are sitting down to a meal. Rooney used to sit quietly and wait for her share. Now, she demands it. Rooney also demands attention from Andy. He's okay with this.
I brought your slipper. Now pet me!
We were advised to never, ever play tug-o-war with a Bully. It makes sense when you consider a dog like Jack, who takes things very seriously. He wastes no effort on silly things like playing. No, he conserves his energy for the big things like scaring tiny dogs as they walk in front of the house or a cat who comes too close to him while he's eating.
Jack doesn't even move his head. He sits on the couch and follows every movement with his eyes. It's hilarious. Jack must think he needs to save up his mojo for the big event. Whatever that might be. So, if one tries to challenge him by waving a rag in his face and daring him to "tug" - trust me - he will tug and win.
Does this look like the face of a dog who plays silly games? |