Thursday, November 26, 2015

Day Two Hundred Seventeen

Happy Thanksgiving!

We've had our first casualty of the day. I say first because, with three boys on the way, there will no doubt be more. Anyway, while making sure his little sister didn't get into trouble, Dash got distracted and fell into the pool. Andy saw him on the porch, trying to shake off the wet. I ran out with a towel and did the best I could with a squirming, embarrassed guy who just wanted to pretend it didn't happen. From that point on he followed his sister even more diligently, as if that's possible!

I have to keep this brief because there is a lot to do! In a few short hours, the kitchen will be a huge mess, kids will be either bouncing or chasing each other around the house and there will be lots of laughter. The food is why they come; the fun is why they stay.

Poor old, Maxine!

Well, I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving. No matter what your opinion is of this holiday from - it's a huge fraud to it's a wonderful holiday - we all have things for which we can be grateful.

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