Thursday, November 5, 2015

Day One Hundred Ninety Six

Second Fiddle
Poor Rooney. Her Dad's away and she is lost. Now, I am second in command here (some would say, Commandant) but she does not turn to me in her hour of need. I guess I am kinda "no nonsense." With everything going on here, I have to be.

Rooney clearly prefers guys. Specifically, Jack. He is ambivalent about this honor. As she does with her Dad, Rooney utilizes all sorts of tricks to get Jack's attention. There is the paw on the head move, the toy in the face ploy, and the showering with kisses maneuver. One or a combination of all three usually gets the desired result. Poor Jack can be sound asleep on the couch, dreaming of Snausages, and Rooney will pester him until he acknowledges her and gives her the attention she craves.

Jack. Jack! Wake up!
Pay attention to me!
What's wrong? This
better be good...
I miss Daddy.
I know, but he'll be back.
I love you, Jack.

Now, Jack would never put up with anybody else annoying him the way she does. For example, if Dash approached a sleeping Jack and dared to put a paw on his face, Jack would rise up like a dragon awakened from a one hundred year spell. It took Dash a few tries to get that concept. But, Miss Rooney can plunk down a huge paw on a sleeping Jack and drag it down his face and all Jack does is open an eye and look at her. She is a pest, but she is his pest. He loves her.

Don't get me wrong - she won't drop Jack like a bad habit when her Dad returns. No, our girl likes attention from both guys. She is the canine version of a hussy.

Miss Rooney getting attention
from her two favorite guys.
I just had to post this picture, too. Little Man
was draped across the back of my chair
and fell asleep with me holding his head.

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