Saturday, November 21, 2015

Day Two Hundred Twelve

More Than Enough Love To Go Around

We are now up to six cats, two enormous dogs (Rooney now weighs 151# which is unacceptable) and one bunny. As the numbers have increased, I have begun to worry everyone will get their fair share of attention.

Starting with the least needy - Roxy -  she's fine as long as she has plenty of treats. Being cuddled - or picked up for that matter - is not her idea of having fun.

Jack and Rooney pretty much make sure they are not ignored.

It's easier with cats. While some are kinda needy (Eli) most don't really require a lot of attention to feel loved. As long as their needs are met, they're pretty Zen.

Eli - Perhaps because he was first in line, he feels somewhat privileged. That, and I did tell him repeatedly he would be the only cat. Well, in all fairness, I didn't even know if I was going to like living with a cat. Then I realized how cool they can be and I wanted more. (Sorry, E. It's kind of your own fault for being so dang cute.)
Anyway, Eli requires the most from me. That's an understatement. He goes through these episodes of wanting to devour me. He puts his arms around my neck and pushes his head into my face as hard as he can. Of course claws are involved. When he's done I end up looking like an extra in a slasher movie. Eli seems to want to literally love me to death.

Take it easy dude -
I need to breathe you know...

Fancy - He and I have an interesting relationship. Fancy is the most vocal and talks to me all day. I have learned the difference between Fancy wanting attention versus food or treats. When I am standing at the kitchen sink and he wants his crack - I mean chicken treats - he will reach waaay up and grab my arm and try to pull it down. Meanwhile, he is emitting chirps and meeps which tell me he wants food.
The love version of his attention involves head butts and face rubs. He gets lots of his "stuff" on me - as in, "She's all mine." Also, he loves to curl up with me in my comfy chair.
The flip side is what happens when I want attention from him. I will walk up to a sleeping Fancy and try to kiss him on the head. He will open one eye and give me the death stare. He is also like, "Oh - uh - yea - hey there...could you just let me sleep - ughhhhh. Love you, tho! Later...."

I'm sleeping -
catch you later...

Finn - He is an enigma. Finn is sweet and beautiful but he doesn't really like to be held or even touched. He will sit near me - when I'm on the computer or in my chair - but as far as cuddling or petting - um, not so much. Ironically, he is the one with the softest fur, but don't touch it. He has never so much as looked cross at any of us - he just backs away.

Chance - This guy breaks my heart. He is always watching me. I try to give him a lot of attention. I figured out the floor peeing might be his way of actually getting attention - but the wrong kind. So, I try to give more positive stuff. He sits with me at night and follows me around.

Do you really love me?
Well, do you?!

Dash - Oddly enough, Ragdolls got their name from their willingness to be held like a baby. Abyssinians on the other hand, prefer to observe their humans from a distance. Well, in this house, the Rags hate being held on their backs while Dash will let us carry him around like a baby for as long as we want. He is such a love. He's been distracted lately by the addition of his little sister, but still curls up for a cuddle.

My little cuddle bug!

And last, but certainly not least, Boo! - Our girl is tiny but mighty. She is not into cuddling at all. She may be the only one who responds to her name, however. Boo! seems to like it when I call her name. I use a sing-songy voice and can turn a one syllable word into several. I will see her little face pop out from inside, under and on top of just about anywhere. Occasionally she will stop and allow me to pick her up. She is even getting used to my kisses. But Boo! is busy and can't stay for long. That's okay. As long as everybody is getting what they need, I'm good.

I'm busy! There is
so much to do here!

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