Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Day One Hundred Ninety Five

Global Warming? - No, Florida!

I probably shouldn't be writing just now. I have been outside doing chores and I feel like Frosty the Snowperson at the beach - with nothing left but a carrot, two lumps of coal and a hat in a puddle of water. If weight came off in sweat, I would be a stick. It is like 95 degrees! Why, Lord, Why??? By my calculations, it is November, right? It is snowing in other parts of the country. Look, I'm not asking for much - just like a ten degree drop. Is that too much to ask?

Okay. That's enough of that. So, I was curious as to why my litter box trained rabbit did not need her litter box changed. I got worried that all the food she consumed was not coming out and I would wake up one day to rabbit pieces blown all over the cage. That was a wasted worry because I found a HUGE pile of bunny balls in a hidden corner of the cage - not in the box. I guess she decided enough was enough. Either the litter doesn't meet with her approval or the box was in the wrong place. I just wish I had discovered it sooner.

By the time I realized what had been going on, the pile was large enough to actually bury her under it. Damn. And it was positioned in such a way I had no choice but to move the whole cage. This is not a small rabbit hutch. It is a two story thing which weighs a ton. Now, I'm not completely stupid, so I put casters under the legs. It's still a pain to move though, and freaks Roxy out every time.

I had to get down on my knees and sort of climb into the cage to reach the back where the mound was - all moldy and toxic. Then I pulled out the tray under the cage and scooped up as much as I could with a dust pan. Cleaning up after a rabbit is fun because the balls tend to do what balls do - they roll.

Of course, who would discover the cage door was open? None other than Mr. Dash. No sooner did I turn my back to get the vacuum cleaner, when he got curious and climbed into the cage! Fortunately, Roxy had already gone upstairs to hide in her bedroom. Dash has been curious about this funny looking "cat" for awhile. I know he just wants to play and probably can't figure out why she has to stay in a "box."

Okay, cat - Tell me where
you got those ears!?
I shooed him out and turned on the vacuum - the quickest means to get a cat out from under your feet.

By the time I finished scooping, sweeping, washing, moving, etc., I was drenched. I am not pleasant when I get over heated. It makes me extremely grumpy. The kids know this and steer clear. I know there are many problems facing the population of planet Earth but, to me, if Florida gets any hotter, I'm moving to the North Pole.

So long, Florida!
Hello, North Pole!

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