Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Day Two Hundred Fifty One

End of 2015 Editorial

If I had one wish as we head into a new year, it would be that people become enlightened as to how everything fits together like a giant, cosmic puzzle. Yes, that's a lofty wish, and a mouthful, but it is my wish and this is my blog.

I have to laugh (and cry a little as well as shake my head) when people wage war on what they consider "a pest."

Feral cats, for example. People easily demonize them by convincing themselves they are "evil." "Feral cats kill birds; spread disease; dig up my flowers, etc." First of all, need I remind anyone ALL creatures serve a purpose? Ferals keep down the rodent population. Now, we still need some of those furry buggers, which actually DO spread diseases like plague and hantavirus, otherwise we would be overrun with garbage, but ferals keep the population at bay.

On to other examples:

Bees. Stop anybody on the street and ask them what they know about bees and most will tell you they sting and make honey. Right. That they do. But few realize without bees, our food supply would cease to exist. That's right. Tiny bees hold that much power. They are, in fact, more important to the survival of civilization as we know  it than you or I ever could be.

Moles. Those moles you despise because they "dig up" your lawn, actually are making your lawn healthier by aerating it and eating grubs which literally eat your grass. They don't harm anyone or carry disease, but people wage all out war on the poor things.

Maggots. Even the lowly worm is vital to our health and well being. They eat those things nothing else will and act as nature's clean up crews.

Now - how to convince a non-believer that we must work together to preserve nature not destroy it. The Bible certainly hasn't convinced them. There are numerous references to God's creation and how we are considered stewards of that creation. Steward means caretaker. Many hold the Bible in one hand and a gun, can of Raid or other weapon of destruction in the other.

Politicians are ignored if they seem too liberal. Scientists are, for the most part, ignored. Ordinary people with brains who try to point out the ways we are destroying the planet are treated like Chicken Little.

Ironically, we believe commercials from companies whose primary goal is to make money, yet we ignore experts with absolutely nothing to gain. Those ads for weed killer and bug killer and whatever killer make it look so harmless and easy to rid your life of pesky weeds, bugs and germs. While the share holders of those companies rake in the dough, the planet is getting quickly exterminated by those so-called "harmless" products.

What is it going to take? Well, I'll tell you. I'm afraid to say it will take a cataclysmic event. When that happens people will say things like, "Why didn't somebody tell us or do something?" "How could God let this happen?" "Why me?!"

You. Me. Us. We're all part of the problem and therefore need to be part of the solution if there is any hope. First of all, listen to the experts, not the snake oil salesmen. If there is a profit to be made, avoid it. USE YOUR BRAIN! Chemicals are not the answer. Nature has a solution for just about every problem. Unfortunately, that solution may be to rid the planet of the worst pest - humans.

Have a wonderful New Year!


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