Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Day Two Hundred Thirty

Blowing Smoke

I have big news to share, but I can't. It's Christmastime, you know. The problem is, a certain little someone reads my blog. So, I will save the story until December 26. Here's hoping I remember the details that long.

Yesterday was stressful. We were informed the county would be performing a "smoke test" (oh, trust me, I've thought of them all) to determine if there are any "leaks" in the line. Some line. Who knows? So they said the smoke was harmless. Sure. How many times have we heard that line?

It was scheduled to be done yesterday. I stayed home all day, despite the fact I had numerous errands to run, on the off chance my house filled with smoke and my animals needed CPR. I waited all day, with no sign of smoke-blowers. Now, our mayor is a classic SB, but I didn't see her either.

I called the county office to be told it hadn't been done, but was re-scheduled for today. Yea. Another day of waiting for smoke to be blown up my --- house. (Heavy sigh.)

This works out well because I have to sign for a package I also waited for yesterday. It never showed. That was because yesterday was today in my mind. I am so glad I did not make that complaint call.

Through all of this, everybody is doing their thing. By everybody, I mean Jack, Rooney, Eli, Fancy, Finn, Chance, Dash, Boo! and Roxy. Of course our Boo! is being a real character. She is ten times the trickster Dash is. I think if I had gotten her first I would be afraid to get another Aby because she is a handful! I go back and forth between wanting ten more like her and wondering what on Earth I've gotten myself into.

But she makes up for all the antics by curling up with me in my chair and wanting to be snuggled in something cozy. My granddaughter discovered this as a way to calm her down. Or perhaps my granddaughter discovered something Boo! couldn't tell us - "I am cold and want to be cuddled." All I know is I'm more than okay with that.

All of the cats are outside right now. I saw three of them digging in the un-flower bed so I went to investigate. All I found was a huge rusty nail. Thank goodness they pointed it out before it was discovered in somebody's foot!

I must prepare for the "smoke blowing." You would think I would be an expert on this by now...

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