Three beautiful boys! |
How Fancy, Chance and Finn "guard" the house. They are fascinated by pressure washing. Jack, on the other hand, had to go into the bedroom to keep him from going thru a window. |
Of course all the excitement means cats and dogs are on high alert. Oh, and the other issue is the resident living temporarily in the spare bedroom. The cats know somebody is in there. The Abys care that someone is in there. I will say no more other than it has become a real test of my patience and stamina for me to go in and out of that room.
As soon as I open the door, at least one of the Abys is right there waiting to squeeze in. Fortunately they head right for the target so they're easy to catch. But then there's a brother or sister on the other side of the door ready to push past me - no matter what barrier I create. Yesterday I had to call for Andy to help me get out of the room or I would still be there putting one cat out then chasing another who ran in.
Fancy has been out of sorts lately. And, he is favoring his right foot again. The last time it was because he had stepped on the hot stove top. He won't let me examine it either. As soon as I walk toward him, he tucks that little paw under him. I did get a cursory look and saw no blisters or blood. If this keeps up I will need and expert's opinion.
I had to laugh the other day when I was in a pet store talking to a salesperson about obtaining a certain creature (that shall remain nameless.) I was trying to explain that I had to be careful not to get accoutrements that could harm my cats. She turned to me and asked if I couldn't just tell them what's off limits.
Now, either she has never lived with a cat, or I am doing something terribly wrong. I stood there with a blank stare; carefully choosing my words. Then I just started laughing. She got it then, and laughed herself at the absurdity of thinking a cat can be told anything. I no longer even say, "No" or "stop" or "come here." Ha! Now, I just reach for a treat bag or a feather toy. Yes, they have managed to train me quite well.
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