Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Day Two Hundred Thirty Six

Lessons Learned

This story has little to do with animals but it's worth telling. We are having remodeling done and needed an estimate for finish work around the soon to be installed new fireplace. (Note: have fireplaces routinely inspected for soot buildup or, as in our case, damage to the flue.)

The gentleman who arrived was a pleasant Hispanic man. While he was writing out the contract, he mentioned that he was new to the company. This factors in to what happened next. When he handed me the contract, I noticed several spelling errors. I had a choice: let it go, knowing his new employers would be reading the thing as well or ask him if he would like my help. He smiled and thanked me and said, "Yes, please. I have trouble spelling English words." Now, my father was a handyman who could build anything but couldn't spell to save his life, so we always helped him with his contracts.

The tale doesn't end there. The handyman explained that he had been IN JAPAN for about a decade which is where he learned his trade. They apparently have very exacting standards there, unlike in the US. Not only is he fluent in Japanese, but can also speak Portuguese, Spanish and English. He said English was the hardest to learn because of all the inconsistencies. Holy crap. Show me any (born-in) American who can speak several languages. Ga-head - I'm waiting.

Lesson learned: While my intention was pure, I took the typical American approach which is, "anyone not born here surely needs our help." What a crock. He was so incredibly nice, but I did get my ego served to me on a platter. Oh, and for those who are looking for an animal connection in this - Jack really liked the guy. Now, I have to say, the feeling was not mutual. It was obvious Jack made him nervous, but he was awfully nice about it.

Speaking about Jack (and Roon) - it was time for us to take the annual Christmas card picture. Since Jack was a year old, he (and then both Bullys ) have graced the cover of our cards. This year we decided to have him wear a Santa hat. I will post a few of the outtakes -

Lesson learned: Ditch the Santa hat.

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