Sunday, December 20, 2015

Day Two Hundred Forty One

'Tis the Season - for Vacation Days

Andy saves up his vacation days and takes most of them during the holidays. This situation creates some interesting tableaux. First of all, he is not really used to the animal activity going on all day here. I hear quite a few expletives. Just heard one as I'm typing. Apparently he was putting groceries in the fridge when a cat (Eli) fell from the top of the fridge onto his head. Now, he's had tiny Boo! do this - and land on his chest where she dug in her claws to hold on. Eli weighs considerably more than Boo! Maybe close to twenty pounds.

I waited awhile then went to check on him. I found him sitting at the kitchen counter, puffing on his e-cig, with his head in his hands. Breakfast has been postponed. He needs to compose himself. Cats do that to you.

The poor guy was trying to do touchup painting inside yesterday. Dash and Boo! were fascinated by this and would not let him do his thing alone. He would paint a spot and one of them would inspect it. This meant he had to stop and check a tiny paw for paint. Now, I would have put the cats (Dash and Boo!) in the front room if I was trying to do something without their help. He has more patience than I. 

I cannot go into the forbidden room without Dash and Boo! pressing in to join me. I do not want them in there for several reasons - their welfare being at the top of the list. Little Boo! has perfected her move. She waits for it, then jumps over the gate, under the nightstand and under the bed. She may as well be swallowed by the Bermuda Triangle at that point. I can't even find her under there.

However, this old girl still has a few tricks up her sleeve. Not really. I'm just desperate and you know what that calls for. I wait a few moments, then sneak into the room. Sneak as in hauling these old bones up and over a gate without falling on my - face.  Sure enough, there she was, completely enthralled with the "visitor." I tiptoed over to her, but she was faster and bolted back under the bed. Curses.

I use this a lot because I look like this - a lot.

With Boo! I have discovered it sometimes works to engage her in the very thing from which you are trying to curtail. So, I tried to entice her back to the "visitor." It worked! She came out from under the bed and looked at me with her head cocked to the side like she was weighing whether or not this was a trap. It was. She figured it out, but instead of going back under the bed, she tried to jump into one of the boxes on the bed. I had her! Thank goodness for boxes!

One thing I can state unequivocally. Boo! has definitely settled in. It is clear she feels at home. She has that air of confidence that only comes when one is completely comfortable in their surroundings. This also means she's a hot mess. If she can think it, she does it. I'm okay with this. I want everybody to be happy. Despite all of his eye rolling and expletives, I think Andy is, too. After all, he has lots of material with which to regale his co-workers at lunch.

Yea. That's what I said.
Six cats.

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