I've mentioned this several times, but it bears repeating. Abyssinian cats are a lot like monkeys. Aby baby cats are monkeys on speed. They can also be compared to Thing One and Thing Two from The Cat in the Hat and Si and Am from Lady and the Tramp. In other words - deadly duos.
Dash was our first Aby and he was a handful. That was until his little sister arrived. They are siblings from a different litter with the same parents. Boo! makes him seem more like a saint.
Let me explain. It took Dash awhile to get over the shock of having another Aby in the house; someone with whom he could play Aby games. He was cautious at first. If he tried to wrestle or get a little too exuberant with her, she would scream in protest and he would back off like he'd been hit with a stun gun.
Often he would look at me with his already wide eyes even wider. Like he needed answers or guidance. Now that they've been together for several months, Dash seems to have a handle on things. He no longer backs away like she's a Tiffany egg that just fell on the floor. Now, they seem in cahoots.
Sweet thought, huh? Not for the rest of the members of the household. Boo! and Dash now work in tandem. One or the other (usually Boo!) will come up with the plan and the other is more than happy to help execute it. They are the ones who know where the crickets live and they double team to make sure at least one of them is trying to knock the plastic container onto the floor. After all, it was so much fun chasing the bugs all over the house, why wouldn't they want to do it again.
They don't care. If it looks like fun, they do it. If it makes a noise, even better. If it makes a noise followed by a crash - well that spells S-U-C-C-E-S-S!
Boo! is the worst. Any other cat will run away if they cause something to fall to the floor and break. She stays put and stares at it. I think she is willing it to come back up so she can break it again. She managed to break the Sssscat. Yes. My only ally.
And she has her morning routine all set. It took one time for her to run into the bedroom to wake me in the morning for it to become a daily ritual. If I'm not in the bed, she is so disappointed. It must be a blast to wake a human by attacking their face. I wouldn't know. I've never done it.
The Bearded Dragon has become the thing now. Boo! and Dash really love all things Beardie - from the actual lizard to the chirping bugs it eats. To get as close as possible, Boo! gets up onto the mantel shelf under the television and hangs over the side. She falls - a lot. But that doesn't mean a thing to our monkey. She just climbs back up and does it again. Dash is usually close by watching her every move. I think he decides on a course of action based on whether or not she is successful. Like I said, he's a changed cat since she arrived.
What can I get into now? |
What is she getting into now? |