The Mighty Finn
I write about my cats a lot. Well, I write about the Abys a lot. It's because they provide quite a bit of material. For example, I could go on about the budding relationship between Boo! and Rooney. I mentioned it yesterday, but they seem to be getting closer each day. Rooney did have a moment last night when she went a little nuts and scared Boo! off the back of the couch - but Boo! is tough and just shook it off. No Aby stories today, though. I want to write about Finn.
We call Finn our "angel cat." He came to us shortly after the death of my beloved cousin, Rick. Now Rick wasn't your average person. He was larger than life in stature and kindness.
When we were kids, Ricky was the one person who could make me laugh hysterically. There wasn't much laughter in my house, but when we visited with Uncle Rich (my father's brother,) Aunt Lil, Ricky and Ronnie it was nothing short of a laugh-fest. They all loved to laugh. My Aunt Lil had those "laugh eyes" - you know - always twinkling. And Uncle Rich was hilarious. I loved being with them because they made me feel like life was funny and light.
Ricky, sorry, Rick, ran a YMCA camp in Pennsylvania, and people adored him. He was the kind of person who could make any situation funny. His motto was "I am third" as in he had a servant's heart. Ironically, Rick left this Earth on Valentine's Day. He is sorely missed.
When Finn came to live with us, I named him "Ricky Finn." It was a joke Ricky would have loved. He wasn't really a "cat person." And he would have laughed at the name. Finn has turned out to be the cat with the biggest heart.
Finn is sweet and quite possibly the best cat on Earth. He is the one Eli likes to pick on, and Finn takes it. He lets the old grump take out his frustrations on him. Now Finn isn't a pushover. He just doesn't ever start a fight. Finn is the cat I like to settle my eyes on. That makes sense if you are a cat lover. It's impossible to settle your eyes on Boo! for example because she is never idle. But Finny is very quiet and it is comforting to just watch him.
For some reason, Finn and I have never bonded. I love him and think he's perfect, but Finn keeps his distance. From me. It's funny, but Fancy and Eli are my biggest fans, followed by Chance and Boo! Now that Dash has a little sister, I'm not so important.
Our daughter was visiting the other night and Finn made it clear he wanted attention from her. He leaned into her as she scratched his ears and neck. It was so obvious Finn loves her, if she didn't have a dog who despises cats, I would have let her take him home so he could be with his "person." But Finn is here to stay. I take whatever he can give. If it's just the slow blink from across the room, that's okay. In my eyes he's perfect.
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