Sunday, January 24, 2016

Day Two Hundred Seventy Six

Life is Like a Monkey - 
Entertaining till it Throws Poop

I love my life! I have a patient and loving husband (well, I may have to amend that because he just gave me a hard time about when the windows were last washed); two wonderful and loving kids; two incredible and loving grandkids; two sweet and loving dogs; six challenging but loving cats; a cute and loving bunny; kind and loving relatives; witty and loving Facebook friends - and last but not least - my kids have talented and loving partners, one of whom brings two charming and loving grands of the heart into the mix. Operative word in all cases: loving. If you don't have loving souls in your life - find some.

All in all, I am a lucky gal. Oh, life has thrown its share of monkey poop at me - but so far I have survived and thrived. It's all a matter of perspective. One can look at life and its challenges as poop or giggles.

For example, Andy is washing the windows. Simple enough project, right? Not when it involves cats and a ladder. Now, there are those who might lose their patience when doing something as precarious as climbing a ladder, accompanied by a few curious kitties. Not my husband. He keeps chuckling and warning (Boo! I'm guessing) that a ladder is not the place for cats. They disagree and keep trying to prove him wrong. According to them it is the perfect place for a cat - couldn't be better. He's the one in the way. And where has this thing called a ladder been all this time?

Even cooking is a challenge these days. I mean, I can barely cook under the best of circumstances. Adding cats to the equation makes it nearly impossible. One needs eyes and arms everywhere, like a hybrid fly/octopus. (Note to self - pitch that idea to FX!)

And Boo! will taste anything - raw bacon, hotdogs, soup, sour cream, egg shells - you name it. We don't want her to taste this stuff and do everything in our power to prevent it from happening, but she is not to be denied. Finn is the polar opposite. We have to coax him to try cat food! But Boo! will eat anything. This makes cooking very challenging.

Then there are the two humongous dogs that park themselves right in the middle of the action in the kitchen. Both are afraid of missing something that might be shared or accidentally dropped to the floor. I have been stepped on too many times to count by a giant bear-clawed paw on the end of a man-sized creature. I have the bruises on my feet to prove it.

I'm not in your way am I?

Oh, and how stupid was I to buy a brown rug for the kitchen floor, with two brown dogs that blend in like those "find the ___" posts you see on Facebook. I could never find Waldo and here I am really needing to see these dogs before I topple over them.

My parents took life very seriously and every snag was a monumental catastrophe. That there was never really anything that disastrous notwithstanding, they went through life waiting every day for some horrible thing to happen. I can't live out the rest of my life in that manner. I won't. This is why I am determined to see every part of life as hilarious.

Of course those things that bring us to our knees, like losing a loved one, are not funny. Well, there was that time my cousin and I decided our dead grandmother's nose was crooked. She was laid out for viewing and it really bothered us her nose went off sideways like she was a witch who died mid twitch. We waited until the coast was clear then tried to straighten it but, holy moly, it was  impossible to budge. We burst into a fit of giggles at the precise moment our aunt walked in.  Quick thinking made us pretend our tears were from sorrow not laughter. She bought it. Dumb cow.

Life will toss monkey poop at you, which is all the more reason to build up a reserve of adrenaline or save your Weltschmertz for those occasions when you will need it.  Best not to use it all up on the insignificant stuff. Oh, and I am going to make a last request that my nose be intentionally bent so my grandkids will remember me and laugh. I may even be wearing Groucho glasses...

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