The weather folks must have been feeling ignored lately, what with it being such a boring winter so far, so they made a big fuss over a "storm front" crossing over the state. You would have thought a meteor was about to strike. Yes, it rained, and yes, there was wind, and yes, a tree limb fell in the front yard, but it was not the Storm of the Century. Far from it.
First Major Storm - 2016 It will take time, but we will recover |
I remember the good old days when meteorologists hadn't been invented and a person had to rely on common sense to figure out the weather. You opened a window or a door, stuck your head out then decided whether or not to take a sweater or carry an umbrella. That or you consulted your grandma on the state of her bunion or inquired about grandpa's knees. "Arthur-itis" was pretty accurate if I recall. Sadly, I have now reached the stage in life where my various body parts can predict the weather.
These days, the cats have become my bellwethers. For example, when Boo! becomes overly excited I can tell there's a change in the air. She was flying around the house this morning right before the storm hit. I was trying to videotape her but couldn't keep up with her craziness. Fancy and Eli just slept through the whole thing but Dash, Chance and Finn tried valiantly - and unsuccessfully - to get her to calm down. Dash especially feels responsible for her. If I can't find her, I'll ask him. He usually finds her for me.
As I predicted, Rooney stuck to her Dad like cat hair last night. From the moment he walked through the door, she let him know she would like him to find a new home for me. It's not like I beat her - or even raised my voice! I was just grumbly that I had to wipe poo off her feet! There are three females in this house - one is sensitive, one has ADD and then you have Rooney and Boo!
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