Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Day Two Hundred Fifty Seven

Cuddle Weather

I refuse to turn on the heat. The temperature has dropped considerably - all the way down to 50 degrees - and I love it. My feet are like blocks of ice and I couldn't be happier! I just wish my fireplace was fixed. I love to be cold, wrapped in a blanket with a nice fire going. I should be living in Canada...

To Floridians, anything lower than 60 degrees is freezing. Actually, I think the temperature for freezing is different here. Up north it's 32 degrees. Here, it's about 45. (Why isn't there a degree thingy on a keyboard? Am I missing something? You know, that tiny circle...)

Anyway, little Boo! gets cold (based on the feel of her ears, nose and feet) and so she cuddles up with me because I am in possession of two things: body heat and snuggly blankets. My family knows I love all things soft so I received blankets and pjs in ultra soft material for Christmas. Some of the materials don't even feel real, they're so soft. She loves to sit with me and have me cover her with a blanket or robe. I am more than happy to oblige.


Boo! has also become a "face holder" like Fancy. I know some cats like that. If I tried to hold onto Finn's face I think he'd have a heart attack.

Finn will cuddle with his two Ragdoll brothers, but as for human snuggling - forget it.
Fancy will sit with me but all conditions must be perfect for that to happen - planets aligned, wind speed correct, low humidity, etc. He is still "on guard" after all these years of being an inside cat. Every once in awhile the feral in him comes out. I don't mind a bit. In my eyes he is perfect just the way he is.

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