Why the title? It was the last line in a terribly funny Facebook post and I'm in a goofy mood, that's why. I can't believe I have written an entry for this blog 272 times. I'm talking consecutive days. I doubt I've ever done anything that many times in a row - unless you count eating and going to the bathroom. Anyway, I consider it a major accomplishment because I don't really have that much to say. I'm sure my few readers are nodding their heads in agreement.
But this wasn't about being loquacious or profound. While I never intended for this to be a form of journaling therapy aka "Dear Diary" or a how-to in pet care, (when I can hardly call myself an expert on the subject,) I did want it to reflect a year in the life of a pet owner. I think I can safely call myself an animal lover. I am also a mom and a grandma, as well as a wife and friend. I have tried to incorporate all of those roles within the context of writing about the joys and sorrows of living with animals. I also hope I succeeded in making the reader laugh because everything in life has its funny side.
Things have been relatively quiet since the drama of the other night. The cats are loving this weather and Roxy is still inside enjoying the attention she's receiving from the kitties. It's not that they ignore her when she's outside, but rather it's the novelty of having her indoors. Plus, her hutch has become a wonderful vehicle upon which one can bounce to a higher level. It has also introduced a whole new host of unusual sounds.
Watching Boo! and Dash search for high places has given me an idea. Since I blew out those speakers, they are just ugly brown boxes gathering dust way up high. If I could design a ladder of sorts that could go up there, the Abys could have two cubbies in the clouds! I'm gonna figure something out. I'll be sure to keep you posted.
Speaking of the Abys, an unexpected result of bringing Dash and Boo! into the fold, is that poor old Eli is trying his best to keep up with them. When he was the only kitty in residence, he became somewhat of a couch potato. Adding a few more Rags helped raise his activity level a bit, but they aren't exactly the type of cats one would enter in agility trials. I'm not even certain they can land on their feet.
I heard some commotion yesterday in the vicinity of the bulkhead in the kitchen. I have seen some interesting things happen up there and have become somewhat immune to the anxiety of watching ones beloved pets chasing each other across a narrow expanse. I did, however, look up just in time to see Eli hanging by one paw from the cabinet door over the kitchen desk. He was, as we so eloquently describe it, "between a poop and a sweat."
He was afraid to let go, but couldn't go back up either. I think I heard him say, "Screw it" as he dropped down to the desk. But that wasn't the end of his humiliation. He slid off the desk and onto the floor where he sat in a heap trying to figure out how to salvage his dignity. Boo! was watching him from above and I'm pretty sure I heard her giggle. He was not hurt - physically. But I'm betting it will be awhile before he goes back up there.
Boo! loves to pull stuff out of this cupboard. I only hope she wasn't responsible for Eli falling from here. She's a handful... |
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