Monday, January 25, 2016

Day Two Hundred Seventy Seven

Random Musings on a Monday Morning

This is the tableau I see played out every night :
This picture says it all:
I love my Dad.
Um, could you get us some snacks? Chips would be nice.
You thought you were so clever moving the sofa. Well, I win, cause I still get to sit with Daddy and you lost your favorite chair. (Well, this one is actually going through my mind. Rooney is not a snot.)
We take every day we get with our pets as a blessing, but perhaps a little more so with Rooney. She is on borrowed time. Her Daddy makes sure every day of her life is filled with love. I love her, too, but it means more to her coming from him. He is her person.
I think it's safe to say I am Boo!'s person. I am grateful everyday to have that little comical spirit in my life. She is like a mischievous fairy always getting into some type of trouble. If she wasn't such a Boo! I would have named her Tink. I know all of the other cats love me, she is just the one who shows her affection in such a darling way.
Eli is a bit too rough in his attention; Fancy is too sparing; Chance wants me to come to him and Finn loves me from a distance. Dash, who had been a cuddler, defers to little sister now. Boo! gives me lots of kisses and snuggles and can't get close enough. I must have done something right to have this tiny bundle in my life.
Dash! I had to laugh yesterday when it dawned on me why Dash, who has become a model citizen, was being a bit of a pest in the kitchen. This role is usually reserved for his sister.
Our beautiful red boy!
I forgot Boo! had run into the laundry room and refused to come out. I closed the door; waiting for her mauhs of protest. She must have been on to my ploy and decided she was just fine in there; in the dark. Dash took advantage of her absence to revert back to being the impish Dash we knew before. He was having a blast playing in the kitchen sink and splashing water.
When I remembered Boo! was stuck in the laundry room, I opened the door and she haughtily strolled out like, "Well, it's about time. It took you long enough..." Dash snapped back into good boy mode. Wow. Never underestimate the power of a little sister!

I'm the baby and don't you forget it!
While I'm on the topic of the kitties, I have some random thoughts for them...
To my feline kids:
I shouldn't have to try to sneak into my own bedroom! What do you think I do in there anyway? I'm not having a sardine party! And this whole thing of pushing past me and running under the bed is getting old. You'll be sorry if I trip and break a hip. I'm just sayin...
Just because I am in the kitchen does not automatically mean I am going to feed you. Breakfast/Lunch/Supper was an hour ago and you can't be starving.  Well, okay, if you put it that way...
If you slide your toy under the door, it isn't going to magically reappear. Staring at the door won't make it happen. Here's a thought - don't whack it under there in the first place.
Don't pick a fight with a streetwise cat who could kick your ass. He has claws and knows how to use them. I know you have them, too, but seriously, let it go...
Finally - To the resident Rags - sure, we know you can climb as high as an Aby. The thing is, you can't get back down. It hurts to fall ten feet. Stop doing it.

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