Monday, January 18, 2016

Day Two Hundred Seventy

Winter in Florida

It's chilly - for Florida. Something like 49 degrees.  I refuse to turn on the heat so I am sitting at my desk, wearing a coat. I will not complain either. No sir-ee. Not this girl. I love it when the temperature drops below 95. Way below.

And the cats love it! They are all going in and out through the cat door likes it's a revolving one. Poor Boo! goes out then stops like she's confused that it's still cold. I think she thinks if she goes out and comes in then goes back out it will be warmer. Who knows what she's thinking...

Andy and I have come to the conclusion she is the cutest - and most mischievous - creature on the planet. Neither of us can enter or exit our bedroom without her zooming in. It's hilarious to see a grown man open a door just a crack and peer out to see if the coast is clear. It never is.

She waits pretty much 24/7 for the door to open just a smidge so she can get into the room she's clearly not supposed to be in. I don't know what she thinks is in there, but to her it's like entering The Lost City. The reason we don't want her in there is because she can get into trouble in an empty box, let alone a room filled with what-nots and who-zits. But she is unstoppable.

Last night, while the rest of us were relaxing, she decided to mess with Jack and Rooney. Now, Rooney is a safe bet. She won't retaliate. Jack, on the other hand, is unpredictable. He can be, "meh - no problem" OR "HEY! Who woke me up?! Imma gonna eat you if you do that again!" And she will do it again! And again! He doesn't like his feet touched, yet Boo! will nibble on them! He looks at her like she's crazy - but that charming craziness seems to work in her favor. So far, her charm has kept her alive and unbitten.

Speaking of Little Miss Boo! - she must be cold. I have her wrapped up inside my coat again and she's purring up a storm!  I think I'm going to buy her a sweater today...

haha - No, I haven't packed on the pounds -
that lump is Boo! trying to get warm

Things are going to get crazy here in a few moments. The tree trimmer just pulled up. The cats will all be curious and Jack will wake up from his deep sleep to stand guard in case the guy turns out to actually be a serial killer with a chain saw....

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