Saturday, January 9, 2016

Day Two Hundred Sixty One

Boo! and the Big Tan Dog

I've written many times about the dynamics of living with so many animals. I'm really proud of ours. For example, typically it's in a Bullmastiff's nature to obliterate cats. Well, let's say, it would be in the "bull" part of the breed to do so. To them, cats are a pain and should be dealt with as such. 

Fortunately, Jack came aboard when Eli was already here and he made sure puppy Jack knew who was boss. I can't remember if I've already told the story of how, until we caught on, Eli kept puppy Jack under the coffee table while he sat sentry on top and bopped him on the head every time he tried to escape. We have it on video.  

For the most part, Jack and Rooney don't mess with my cats. With each subsequent arrival after Eli, Jack let them know he was not to be bothered. All of the cats except for Boo! Neither Jack nor Rooney has given her so much as a warning. As a matter of fact, Jack seems a bit intimidated by the tiny dynamo; Rooney likes her.

Last night, after we were finished playing "musical chairs," Boo! and Rooney snuggled together on the couch. It was adorable.


Nobody put them together. Boo! was on the couch first and Rooney carefully crawled up there and cuddled with her. Rooney is such a dear, sweet girl - I would trust her with a newborn. She would have made such a good mom...

With the furniture all moved around, the cats are having a blast using it as a newly discovered playground. Jack has been tolerating them using him as a springboard - so far. We'll see how long that lasts.

Boo! and Dash are so much like monkeys. There is never a dull moment. The only time it's quiet is when they're asleep - which isn't often. I absolutely love the activity level! Boo! is especially entertaining. As I sit here typing, she has jumped onto my desk to say "hello" then flew up and down the cat tree; into the kitchen where I can hear strange sounds, then back into the living room to check on me. She and Dash are chasing each other while the other guys just watch.

I've said it before and I'll keep saying it - the relationship between humans and other species is sacred and should be acknowledged as such. In other words - we have a lot to learn from each other. While we provide food and shelter, they provide more than their share of love, companionship and entertainment. Abys provide much more than their share of that. Much, much more...

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