People think I'm a really good animal parent. I'm okay. What they fail to see - and I'm giving away my best kept secret here - is that it's Andy who's the true responsible one. If it wasn't for him, we'd all be a flea bitten, motley crew of starving misfits with overgrown nails.
I'm serious.
He's the one who reminds me to trim nails. He's the one who wipes eyes and ears and noses. He's the one who rescues kitties from high places - even when they don't need to be rescued. He's the one who schlepped Rooney to dog shows - all over Florida. He's the one who takes her to vet appointments. And he's the one who makes the money so they can all eat.
What got me thinking about this was the nail thing. I'm the actual nail trimmer, but he's the one who has to point out when Jack and Rooney look like Howard Hughes with nails so long it impedes their ability to walk.
Nails. I see them in my sleep. Everybody from Jack on down to Copper need a nail trim regularly. With the Bullies, it's a real drama. Well, Jack's okay but Rooney hates it and knows when I'm headed toward the place where the clippers are kept. She will jump onto the farthest sofa and tuck her feet under her massive body. It's an ordeal.
The cats are challenging, too. Eli is the easiest, probably because he was a show cat and got used to all the primping involved in that. Fancy is the hardest. I clip one nail at a time. This is because he never lets me clip more than one nail at a time. And I'm pretty sure it's the same nail...
I try to catch him when I think he's sleeping. I carefully grab the clippers, which are always close by. Then I gently lift one toe and quickly snip. His eyes fly open; pupils dilate; and I get a look that says, "I KNEW I couldn't trust you! All this talk about 'what a good kitty I am; you love me so much, blah, blah, blah' - then no sooner do I shut my eyes when you try to cut off my precious claws. Well, goodbye, I say. Goodbye! You suck." Then he jumps off, in a huff, digging his long claws into my leg.
If I had a nickel for every time Andy has said the words, "We need to remember to do this again in about a week, so the nails don't get so long," I would have forty five years worth of nickels. He has been repeating this litany with every dog since Two (our first rescue.) I want to ram the clippers up his - nose - but it's only because I know he's right and I hate that.
On another note - it's going to be a very lonnnnng two weeks. With our luck it will be drawn out into months. You see, we are having the pool refinished and the deck resurfaced. Putting "re" in front of anything implies it was messed up to begin with and fixing it will cost a fortune and make a huge mess in the process.
The carpeting, which has been on the porch since 1989, had to be removed. This left dried glue residue which sticks to everything now, because it was reactivated by the pressure washing. I hate life sometimes.
The cats want out. Jack and Rooney have to go out. It is a whole thing. I can't even take Jack and Rooney out front because that involves strapping them into this harness thing Responsible Andy bought, which I can't figure out. I think it's a new Boy Scout badge now - "Mastered the Dog Harness Thing - Which is Something Only Manly Men who Understand Knots and Such Can Do."
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yep, that's about right... |
I. am. not, exaggerating. It goes over and under and through something and by the time you get done the dog has gone ahead and pooped on the floor. That, or one of you is all tied up in a big ropey mess, the likes of which only Houdini could escape.
Boo! spent most of yesterday trying to repent for her sins. Those sins involved terrorizing the lizard and by repenting I mean sucking up to me. It wasn't only the lizard issue - I mean she is a cat and Copper definitely looks like prey - but she is the ONLY cat who screws with the aquarium and has mastered the art of getting into it. Hot lights, heavy screen, Ssscat cans on each side - nothing can stop her from her goal, which is to catch that lizard.
She knows I don't want her to mess with Copper. She knows all of the things I prefer she not do. But Boo! is Boo! Needs must.
Every once in awhile she takes stock though and decides I must be mollified. Her foolproof way of accomplishing this is by jumping onto my lap and smothering me with kisses. Then, because she needs to get as close as possible to drive home her point, she climbs into my shirt. I have proof...
Some people listen to soothing music or nature sounds all day. I get to listen to the buzzing, whirring, grinding sounds of people trying to control nature. It's oak leaf drop time - aka the FALL up north. Here in Florida, where politics, education and environmental concerns are back-asswards - oak leaves fall in the spring.
Well, in Stepford - uh I mean, our neighborhood - it is a crime apparently. It was even newsletter-worthy. "Leaves must be raked and bagged - and never, ever let so much as one leaf go down the the storm drain. In other news, we spent almost $200,000 of your dues on improvements to a street that isn't even in your neighborhood. Why? Because we can! Suckers..."
The guy across the street has taken the edict very seriously. Hey, he likes to golf and doesn't think there's a decent course in the county lock-up. He blows those infernal leaves to kingdom come about four times a day. There are no leaves anywhere near his property because he BLOWS THEM ONTO EVERYONE ELSE'S!!!! Now, I do not care about the leaves or the damn rules - I hate leaf blowers and the huge gizmos they employ. NOISE!!!
I think one of these days, I am going to turn on our loud air compressor and leave it on the back porch. I will then go to the library and read a novel. But with my luck, it will be on lawn maintenance day....
I leave you with these: