Monday, March 28, 2016

Day Three Hundred Forty

Easter Monday

We survived another holiday with Abys. Living with any cat is like having a toddler around 24/7. Living with an Abyssinian cat is like that same toddler on sugar and caffeine. Living with six cats - two of which are Abys - during any holiday or special event is like - well you may as well just take all of your decorations and toss them into the trash. That will save you a step - which is cleaning them up once they've been broken, torn or otherwise destroyed. I have a tablecloth and several broken decorations to prove my point.

Don't be misled - Eli is not the guilty party here.
That bump to his right is none other than our Boo!

Yesterday was so much fun. That it took two of us several days to prepare, when I used to be able to pull something like that off myself, made for some hilarious moments. Not funny at the time, mind you, but chuckle-worthy in hindsight. Take the Easter Egg Hunt. It took the two of us something like five hours to put together a simple treasure hunt. Not to mention the fact we nearly killed each other in the process. But it was a success.

The kids arrived around one, and they immediately started looking for eggs. It must be a throwback to our caveman days that we get so excited to find things. I guess there was a time when finding an actual egg was a really big deal.

Anyway, we had to corral them to give the instructions for the new hunt. Each was assigned a color and they had to find the egg of that color which contained a slip of paper with directions to the next egg, and so on. The last egg contained the clue to finding their Easter basket.

Like I wrote before, each basket contained a lot of fruit (some candy I confess.) I was shocked to see them eating the fruit before the candy! All-in-all, it was a success.

However, my "fun" started way before their arrival, with trying to prepare everything while living with Abys. Dash wasn't too bad but Boo! surpassed her old record of orneriness. Somehow I thought she would slow down a bit after her surgery. No, not Boo! She is a super-charged Aby now. She got into so much trouble I'm not sure where to start...

Well, there was the paper shopping bag episode. I had two brown paper bags in the bedroom where I had emptied their contents into Easter baskets. I was focused on other things, but I remembered seeing one of the bags roll off the bed. Prior to having cats, this would have given me pause, but now I'm used to cats' obsession with bags and boxes. When I went to pick up the bag I noticed it was torn so I tossed it and continued on with trying to fill Easter baskets with the "help" of several curious kitties.

Awhile later, I noticed something strange happening on the back porch. Five cats were in a circle staring intently at something in the middle of the circle. That something was Boo! who was scrunched down like she was cold. I blinked a few times and saw what was really happening.

She was frozen in place because, wrapped around her tummy, was the handle of the shopping bag. I guess she got caught up in it and took off; hoping to get away from the monster that captured her, only to find it had a good grip on her. I had to snap a few pictures before I removed the handle. Who would believe the stuff I tell them otherwise?

Last evening, after everything was done, we sat down to rest awhile. That was a foolish notion because, since the cats had been confined to the front bedroom all day, for their safety, (I can't tell you how many times folks go in or out of my front door and leave it open) and it was like monkeys had been left out of cages for the first time in ten years. Boo! and Dash were maniacs chasing each other around the house; knocking things out of their way while doing so.

Then, Boo! discovered the brand new plastic tablecloth in the dining room. She proceeded to destroy it like it was a serial killer in disguise that was going to get us while we slept. She had a ball shredding it and rolling in it. At one point Eli made a point of making eye contact with me so I knew he was not responsible for the damage.

He didn't need to worry because, these days, I rarely suspect anyone else when something goes bang, crack, splat, crash, kaboom or pow.

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