Saturday, March 19, 2016

Day Three Hundred Thirty One

Why Did My Brain Leave Without Me?

My brain seems to be on vacation today. My sense of humor went with it. They could have at least had the decency to tell me they were leaving. I mean, my back and knee sure let me know when they're checking out. Sheesh. I will just have to plod along without them.

I got myself into trouble today on Facebook when I complained that, what was supposed to be a "cute fox laughing like a person," looked to me like an animal in distress. I was also quite vocal about how awful it is taking animals out of their natural habitat. Boy, did that push troll buttons!

This is an Arctic Fox. Doesn't it belong in the Arctic
and not in somebody's messy room being coerced to

I love the people who like to tell others to "lighten up" and not take things so seriously. And the ones who like to point out inconsistencies in your own life. Of course, I do live with a creature that should be roaming a desert somewhere, but is stuck inside of a glass box. I doubt she would last long in the wild, however. There is nothing in this house that could survive on its own - including me. Well, maybe Fancy could. He wouldn't want to, but he probably could.

What - ever. I never said I was perfect. I haven't, have I? If I did, I apologize. I am far from it. Perfect, that is. I'm not even in the same airspace. I think my sense of logic went along for the ride with my brain and sense of humor. I bet they're having a great time, while I sit here, left with nothing but my sense of commitment.

How about updates? I think I can pull that off.

The screen on top of Copper's aquarium seems to be doing a good job of keeping Boo! out. Yeah!

Meanwhile, Copper is enjoying the prickly pear.

Rooney is happy her Dad is back. Here they are napping. She did not take any chances on him leaving again. Love is ignoring a foot in your face.

Finn wanted to keep me company while I'm writing but his idea of hangin' with me involves lots of grooming. So much so, the antique table on which my computer sits was wobbling so violently, I was getting seasick as I tried to type. I felt bad, but I had to make him leave.

Fancy, on the other hand, can join me and not move a muscle. It's uncanny.

Cat folks - don't you love it when your feline companion sees something you don't? Out of the blue, their eyes get real big and they stare at a space just above or beside your head. You're afraid to look, but curiosity gets the best of you and you turn, expecting to see - what? A ghost, a demented clown, a snake? Hey, those are my phobias. Get your own.

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