Friday, March 18, 2016

Day Three Hundred Thirty

Thirty Five Days

I am just thirty five days away from reaching my goal of posting a blog entry every day for a year. It hasn't always been easy. Some days, the blog wrote itself. Other days I posted more photos than words. It's all good.

That brings me to today's entry. I am slightly distracted because the cats are annoying each other. I blame the weather. It is very overcast, which means it's going to rain. It's hot, too. They are antsy. Okay - now I just heard a major hiss so I must intervene.

Everybody is outside now. However, Dash found a tiny toad which I had to rescue. I asked it to please not pee on me and it was very polite and spared me. I did a perimeter search before letting them out and overlooked the poor little guy. I really don't want the cats to get sick from eating a frog or a lizard so I am constantly on guard. Plus, I hate it when they kill or mangle them. Yesterday, Dash had a lizard. I managed to wrestle it away from him and, despite a few gashes, it survived. Yea!

I sort of solved the dilemma with Dash and Boo!'s obsession with Copper. Boo! and Dash now go into the front bedroom at night and whenever I leave the house. They don't seem to mind at all. As a matter of fact, they hang out in there a lot. They have all the comforts they need, like two litter boxes, food, water, lots of toys, a cat tree and a big bed to sleep on. So, it's not like they're in kitty prison. I also think they enjoy time away from the other cats.

Anyway, it's for their own good. I never imagined Boo! could get into the terrarium. There's no telling what else she's capable of. Nobody else has an interest in the lizard. Nobody.

Oh, what a reunion was had here yesterday. Andy had been away for all of twenty four hours but it must have seemed like an eternity to Jack and Rooney. Rooney was sitting on the couch with him last night giving him kisses but looking sideways at me, with a look that said, "Dad's home now. Why don't you ever leave? Please. Leave."

Whenever Andy's gone, Jack steps up his macho, house lion routine. He slammed into the front door twice yesterday and each time I expected Isis was at the door. Two little old people were walking their Shih Tzus in front of the house. Of all the nerve! The second time he almost blew through the door was when Shadow was trying to get a bite to eat on the front porch. Now, I am trying to instill trust in the poor little thing. So, I ended up moving the food station to a more remote spot - bigger hassle for me but better for a scared kitty.  He/she will never want to live here with a scary monster in residence.

I am sticking to my "no meat" diet. I did buy some salmon but it was too fishy and salty. I think I will be eliminating fish from my diet also because they aren't treated very well, either. There are so many reasons to stop or at least cut back on consuming animal flesh. I had no problem giving up eggs - they're disgusting to me. I mean, who was the first person to see that thing come out of a chicken's butt and think, "Hmmm - that looks tasty." Gross. Even if every chicken and every cow was treated with decency and kindness I still don't think I can bring myself to eat them anymore. It just feels wrong.

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