Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Day Three Hundred Twenty Eight

What Was That!?

Last evening, we were settling in to watch a movie, when the silence was broken by a strange crashing sound. Prior to the Abys living here, whenever we heard an unusual sound, we would either blame it on Universal Studios (you haven't lived until you've experienced Halloween Horror Nights' shrieking, screaming and banging) or call 911. Now, we look to see if the other heard it as well; ask, "What the hell was that?" Then we get up to investigate.

Now, to me, it sounded like a brass lamp being knocked over, so I ran into the front bedroom where there actually is a brass lamp. Andy was sure it came from the dining room, so he went there. In the bedroom, the lamp was fine - still ugly as dirt - but untouched. In the dining room, the ceiling fan was still up there; intact. The china was still in the hutch. The ginormous mirror was still upright. We searched and searched but could find nothing smashed to smithereens on the floor or anywhere else. It remains a mystery.

The thing is, Ragdolls are fairly sedentary. They rarely climb very high and only operate in short bursts of energy. Even a spat between two Ragdolls is comical. Neither wants to really hurt the other and they certainly don't want to get hurt themselves, so it's sort of like watching two ninety year old men spar. There's a lot of air punching and little, if any, contact. Even Fancy tries very hard to avoid conflict. He also tries not to do anything which would draw attention. That leaves the Abys.

Abyssinian cats live for adventure and excitement. There are no unexplored places in an Aby's dwelling. They are either asleep or on a tear. This is why, if something crashes, explodes, falls, breaks or spills - an Aby is usually to blame.  

For example: Boo! and Dash haven't been able to climb as high as they like with the mantel shelf gone. Well, there's a new one now and we were wondering how long it would take for them to notice. I watched Boo! make the discovery this morning.

As she crept along the shelf under the TV, ignoring my directive to "Stop!," she went from the shelf to the back of the vcr and sound bar. She crept, snakelike, behind everything and even found an edible back there. What in tarnation she found to eat is anybody's guess, but there she was chewing and licking her lips! Hopefully it was something she stashed herself like a treat. I hope it wasn't a dead bug. Fingers crossed. Anyway, she completely ignored my pleas to get out from behind all the wires. I had to stand there, ready to catch the sound bar which was destined to fall.

Then, Dash realized his little sister was onto something so he climbed up there himself. I was ready for him, though, with my trusty, new, Ssscat! We now have two of them. We have gone from a household which did not need the aid of any hindering devices to being a two Ssscat household. I'm thinking of hiring people to stand guard at various places to shoo them away. I doubt I'll find that on Craig's List....

I was telling my neighbor this morning about the menagerie and he was shocked. Everybody knows Jack and Rooney, but rarely see the cats. And they certainly have no clue about Roxy and Copper. He was also surprised to learn Fancy has no desire to leave the house. He remembers him as a tiny kitten roaming the neighborhood and was certain he was still wild and feral. I assured him the last thing Fancy wants is to leave his comfy life to go out into the cruel world again.

Ha! Just as I typed that last line, Fancy came up behind me and started talking to me. It was as though he knew I was thinking about him. The connection we have is so strong it constantly amazes me.

Oh, and speaking of connections - Copper is now used to being handfed crickets! Why does this not surprise me? It won't surprise anyone else who has known me awhile either. Some would say I like to be needed. I just like knowing everyone in my circle is well taken care of. Is that a crime? Hey, it makes me happy and I don't hear any complaints.

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