Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Day One Hundred Ten

Daily Dose

My son thinks it's funny that I write an entry daily. I thought that's what bloggers do. Hey, what do I know? The way I look at it - I have a lot to say and I want to get it all down before I forget. Also, if I didn't write every day, I would most likely forget that I have a blog! Yesterday, I forgot the name of a supplement I've taken for years. And, I forgot about the blog...today. See what I mean?

So, what to write about?
I could describe the funny/sad scene that goes on practically every night here, in which Jack and Rooney vie for couch space next to Dad. It's hilarious. They used to sort of all fit together - that is until both dogs put on weight. Jack is now at 180#; Rooney close to 140#. The couch complains loudly when they jump up on it.



Now, I sit in a recliner with one or more cats on/near/above me. Rooney wants to be right next to her Dad who sits on the couch. Jack likes that, too, but it isn't his raison d'etre. If Jack is taking up too much space, Rooney will sit on the floor in front of her Dad and stare him down. If all else fails, she looks to me for assistance. If ever there was a tableau of a pathetic animal, this is it. She beats those big-eyed pictures paws down. Finally, she pulls out all the stops and gets one of her toys to present as an offering. I suppose she figures this is the price she has to pay for admission.

Eventually, Dad intervenes, and makes Jack move over so Rooney can squeeze in. She is not happy because, as she has grown, the space has diminished. The tactic is to make Jack as uncomfortable as possible so he will just leave. She does this by wriggling her butt and pushing on him. Sitting on him works, too.

Where was I? Oh, yes, Rooney and her obsession with her Dad. I have to say, I'm glad he's the one she's glommed onto. I could not handle her sitting on me! I have enough trouble with one cat that likes to sit on my head and another that keeps his claws unsheathed - just in case....

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