And the Kettle Went Kapoof
I was going to title this, "The Good, The Bad and the Just Plain Gross." Tagging on to yesterday's post where I pretty much described myself as a doormat - in front of a barn - I kind of exploded today. You know the adage of the kettle that is on simmer boils faster than a cold pot when the heat is turned up? Well, this kettle went kapoof!
Having fibro, I suffer in the humidity. Everything hurts. When I turn down the a/c, it just means I'm chilled as sweat rolls down my back. Plus, the windows are all fogged up. I am sitting here dripping, as though I just stepped out of a shower. Gross. It makes me a little testy...
So, I was already a mess when I began my day by coming out to serve my masters. As I was letting Jack out, and Eli was trying to sneak through the door, I noticed something wet on my foot after Eli rubbed his tail across it. Not pee, which would have been preferable to what was there. Eli has had a touchy digestive tract his whole life. It doesn't seem to bother him. But it is disgusting when he gets diarrhea and it hangs from his fur like a nasty adornment. And, since his tail goes where he goes, the gloop gets spread about - including the countertops. Now, this particular cat is smart. Just not smart enough to know we don't really want his poop all over the same counters on which we prepare food.
So, into the laundry room we went where I attempted to give Mr. E a partial bath. Yeah, right. I guess my mood translated to him I might kill him, so he was reluctant to trust me with running water. It was not a good thing for either of us. Plus, he tucked his tail under him which meant I could not adequately get to the problem area. The other cats were wide-eyed and very quiet while this was going on.
I had to spray the countertops and even though I use a non-toxic cleaner, I still didn't want them tracking through it. I could not get this concept through to Fancy. Since he is used to doing pretty much whatever he wants, he was confused. So, when I went to feed Jack his enormous bowl of kibble, Fancy, who is usually in sync with me, dove from the counter straight into my arm sending the dog food flying. Jack stood there stupefied. He just blinked at me like, "What the hell? I don't know what to do! Am I supposed to eat off the floor now?"
At this point, I was a maniac. There was dog food everywhere - under the feeder, in his water - you get the picture. It was at this precise moment, while I was dripping wet, foot and t-shirt covered in cat poo, staring at the floor, when I get a text from my kid asking if I still have the list of school supplies for his kids - from several weeks ago.
Now, in all fairness to him, he has no idea mom is losing her mind. For all he knows, I could be sitting in my recliner with a cup of coffee watching the Today Show; hoping somebody will reach out to me for some random purpose so I can feel fulfilled. I'm sure in his wildest dreams he did not picture me wild eyed, soaking wet, and covered in poop! Maybe he did. I don't know...
There is not one creature anywhere near me. They are all hiding. Good. I need a break. FYI - As for my foot, I dipped it in the pool, figuring chlorine kills stuff. Then I went searching for the list. Of course I found it because I never throw anything away - which is why my kid came to me first instead of just downloading it from the school's website. Kettle's on the back burner again just sittin' there waitin' for the next blast of heat.
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