Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Day One Hundred Three


Today is the tomorrow I was hoping for yesterday. I was in such a bad mood. Being startled out of a deep sleep by the burglar alarm announcing it was going to go off did not help. It rained all day. My bones - even my hair - ached and I was just a big old mess. Andy thought of all sorts of things to keep from coming home. Even the critters kept a low profile. But today is a new day. The sun is shining, and I have a new attitude. And, true to form, all of my buddies are letting off pent up steam.

It started with Eli "loving" me this morning. I like to start the morning at seven with the Today Show, a cup of coffee and a protein shake - in bed. Mornings are a bit rough for people with certain illnesses such as mine - Fibromyalgia. I can no longer just hit the floor running. So, on those days when the planets align and I can wake up slowly, things tend to run a lot better the rest of the day.

Fibromyalgia inspiration's photo.

I decided to let Eli come into the room with me and hang out. I feel sorry for him, being the first and oldest cat. But Eli's idea of loving me is more like torture. He likes to sort of smother my face and knead my neck at the same time. I'm not sure if he loves me so much or wants to kill me for bringing other cats in! I struggle to breathe when he does this and, if his nails are too long, I also suffer the consequences with scratches on my neck. I tried to take selfies of this but I just look like an old lady mugging for the camera with a cat around her neck.

Ow ow ow ow ow
You can't see the blood but, trust me,
those nails are sharp!
Dash. Our little man is terrorizing everyone this morning. I don't know what got into him, but he is on turbo-speed right now. All I can hear as I type are his brothers protesting. I just heard a lot of commotion coming from the pantry, and sure enough, he had dragged a bag of canned cat food out and was trying to take it through the dining room! He then went on to chase and harass everybody else. He knocked Fancy off the kitchen bar stool and is now taunting Eli from inside the couch!

For those of you wondering why I need this in my life - I will tell you. If I could have ten Abyssinians, I would. He is so smart it's scary. Dash watches everything we do, and tries to imitate things. I am dead serious when I say he is the smartest creature in the house - and that includes the humans. And funny! I laugh at him all day. Andy is not a cat lover as such. But he really likes this little guy. There's something about him that's endearing - even when he's being a little putz.

(A very loud, strange sound just occurred and I should investigate...)
Update: Dash just moved a planter - don't ask me how. See what I mean?

The Rags and Fancy are having a meeting in the kitchen, while Dash is flying around the rest of the house, amusing himself by batting toys and getting into stuff. They even put their heads together as if trying to commiserate. I'm gonna have to ask Fancy later what they came up with. I never want to hear what Eli has to say cause it almost always involves doing whatever it takes to eliminate all the other animals in the house.

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