As I sat staring at my computer screen, I did a double take when I saw the tiny spider right in front of it, inching his way down his web. He was right there, illuminated by the glow of the computer screen. At first I thought he was part of the background - a Google gotcha. But he was very real. I try not to kill bugs - especially baby bugs - so I enticed him onto an envelope and took him outside to live. It made me think of yesterday at Petco.
I have been wanting a green lizard for some time. I was picking out rabbit supplies when I noticed a sign that read, "Reptiles 50% off." So, I went in search of a green lizard. Sure enough, there in an aquarium was the prettiest Green Iguana, looking back at me! He was beautiful; bright green, with an iridescent head. We stood there staring at each other for quite awhile.
I eventually came back to Earth and started adding up everything I would need to keep the little guy safe, happy - and alive - and it was all too much. I mean, the thing would starve to death because I would never be able to give it live crickets to eat! Or mealworms! I am all for nature and animals doing what they have to do, but I simply cannot serve up one creature as a sacrifice to another. Well, not a living one. Just one that is already dead and in a can. Don't say it...
Dash has finally discovered what his long legs are for. He took a flying leap from the floor to the back of the couch. He even surprised himself. He looked at me as much to say, "Did you see that? I'm amazing!" I laughed and said, "No, you're an Aby."
Another Aby trait that may be his downfall is the complete inability to see himself as not invincible. I had to drag his butt out from under Jack's elevated food bowl, while Jack was eating his breakfast! I heard the ominous growl moments before I was able to scoop him up to safety.
And, just now, Andy learned another lesson about Abyssinians - telling them "no" is equivalent to saying, "I dare you." Andy was trying to make his breakfast and Dash was determined to see what he was doing. So, they had a standoff - Andy telling Dash "no" and Dash rising to the dare by completely ignoring him. With the other cats, one "no" from Andy is sufficient. With Dash, it took three "no's" and a physical removal.
Last night, as we were going to bed, Andy asked if I had put the little guy to bed. I said yes and his response was, "Thank God!" He's not a cat lover. The Ragdolls are nothing more than fur machines as far as he's concerned. But Dash is different. He genuinely likes him. Well, he thinks he's a riot.
I have Fibromyalgia. I am in constant pain. Medication does little to ease it. Some days are worse than others. I can now predict the weather. The only thing that helps, other than being around my kids and grandkids, (but I just can't convince them to move in with us) is all of my furry kids. I need them more than they need me. So, on really bad days, we all curl up in my over-sized recliner and just chill. They seem to understand that I have some problems. Jack and Rooney are constantly giving me sympathetic looks. The Rags are silently comforting. Fancy is more the, "I know you're hurting but you just can't sit there feeling sorry for yourself!" kinda guy. But Dash - well Dash has become my comic relief. Laughter really, truly is the best pain reliever.
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