Saturday, July 4, 2015

Day Seventy Two

The Oatmeal's photo.

Fourth of July

Today is July 4, 2015. I have lived through sixty two of these. If I had been born on time, it would be sixty three, but my mother said I was late for everything. Anyway, I always liked this holiday. It meant summertime was in full swing, and when you live in Pennsylvania, you really enjoy summer. It also meant fireworks!! I used to love them. Now, I wish they'd never been invented.

My dislike of fireworks started when I was boarding Poco (mare) at a friend's barn. My friend lived next door to an Orlando celebrity (clues: N'Sync and Dancing With the Stars.)  I have nothing against him - he's a really nice guy who went to the same high school as my kids - I just wish he hadn't been such a party animal!

I was warned about his Fourth of July bashes! The fireworks display he put on rivaled even the theme parks'. As a precautionary measure, we had the vet bring over a sedative for Poco, which I injected right before dark.  My friend's husband agreed to check on Poco periodically.

Well, I guess things got pretty crazy. The sedative did little to calm her. I think my friend's husband wishes I had injected him with it instead of Poco! She was terrified of the explosions happening literally over her head. When I saw her the next day, I was grateful he had kept her company but felt guilty I hadn't stayed with her myself. This scenario was reenacted during the summer of 2005 when one hurricane after another hit Florida! Another story for another day.

Of all the creatures living in this house, Jack is the most affected by loud noises. The whole thing started when I blew out the speakers in the family room. Ever since that day he has been on edge with even the slightest odd sound. Nobody else is bothered. The cats don't react and neither does Rooney. I guess she figures he's doing enough worrying for both of them. Anyway, Jack shakes, pants, paces and loses his cool with every snap of a firecracker. The kids are coming here today and they shoot off firecrackers in the front yard. I guess I'll have to sit in the closet with Jack.

Now that I see how bad he is, I may get him some Rescue Remedy. Benadryl works, too. Try to remember this can be a harrowing day (weekend) for pets. Do your best to help them through it.

1 comment:

  1. hugs for you both - I go through it with lab/dane mix Webster. he pants, drools, shivers, shakes, crawls up on my head and is pitiful. I hold him close.
