Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Day One Hundred Fifty Nine

Cats v Dogs - The Battle Continues

Andy and I have our own little Dog v Cat thing going on. While I love pretty much anything in the animal kingdom, he has a definite preference for dogs. Our dogs. Rooney. Oh, he loves Jack. It's just that Rooney is to Andy what Fancy is to me.


Rooney will push Andy's hand away if he is petting Jack. She never gets aggressive - more like passive aggressive. Also, Rooney has perfected "the stare." By boring a hole through you with her eyes, she can get you to do pretty much anything. Using it on her Dad gets her extra treats, more couch time, kisses, etc. There is one more thing we can now add to that list: on the bed time.

The Stare
While I was sleeping (translation: being tortured by cats) in the front bedroom, apparently Dad was letting Rooney join him on the bed. This is the same guy who doesn't want cats in that room at all. I discovered this when I couldn't find Rooney and looked in the bedroom for her. There she was, like a queen, sprawled out on the bed. Now, Jack cannot jump up there. Even if he could, their combined weight of over 300 pounds would surely collapse the bed.

I am tucked way up in the corner...

This has created a whole new problem. I was putting Jack and Rooney in there when I left the house. I was confident Rooney would stay on her own bed. The first thing Rooney does now is to jump up on to our bed. She never used to even think of doing that. Grrrr  There is no point in my telling her she can't. Once a Bullmastiff does something they like, nothing can reverse it.

The other problem is, Bullmastiff are messy. She doesn't drool as much as Jack, but she manages to make a mess nonetheless. I either need to add another cover on top of ours, or plan on washing the blankets every time I leave the house.

I cannot think of one thing about the cats that inconveniences Andy. Unless you consider walking on the countertops, getting into your food while you're preparing something on the countertop, litter boxes, cat hair in your food and - well - everywhere, unusual sounds such as those made when something comes crashing down onto the tile and their knack for slipping through his legs onto the porch at night when he lets the dogs out. That's about it. I just don't see what all the fuss is about...

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