Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Day One Hundred Forty Five

People Are Strange

It is no secret I prefer animals to people. If I had my way, we would live on about fifty acres and I would take in every stray, homeless, unwanted - whatever. Animals are way better people than people. If you get that, you get me.  

Follow me! Her house is right down here!

Case in point. I have recently been pretty upset about the Pittsburgh Steelers' hiring of Michael Vick, the NFL player convicted of running a dog fighting ring. He served time in jail, not for animal abuse, but for the lesser charge of running an illegal business. When all the details came out, it was disclosed Vick did some pretty awful things. I'm talking vile, disgusting treatment of dogs who had the misfortune to be in his possession. I'll spare you the pictures and graphic details.

I admit to focusing my energy on this particular cause. Now, I hate abuse in any form. There is something so hideous about abusing helpless animals and children. However, because of my singular determination to get Vick ousted from the Steelers - and the NFL - I have been accused of not caring as much about other abuse victims. Seriously.

It seems as though to please certain people one must take up the banner for everything that matters to everybody at all times. How do politicians do it? Why do they even try? It makes me want to scream. Here's a thought - if you find someone who cares about anything in this world - join them or support them - but, for the love of God, don't criticize them.
Professional Protester!
Just fill in the blank...
Which is why I sit in my little house surrounded by all the creatures in my care. They make me smile, cry, calm down, rev up, move around, sit and hug - and laugh. There's a lot of that. Look out! I feel a Dash story coming on ....

I use a Litter Genie. It is an ingenious contraption that holds and seals off cat litter waste. I have two of them and can't imagine life without them - anymore than I could live without my coffee pot or my big, comfy chair. They require refills of the plastic inserts. I try to never run out of them. Last week, after unsuccessfully searching the house for the refills I thought I had, I gave up and ordered more. In the meantime I was without the use of my Litter Genies for about a week. It was annoying. Finally the order arrived, and my life had meaning again.

No, Finn. You still need to use the litter box.
This morning, lo and behold, there were the two refills I knew I had - on the floor, behind the laundry room door. I'll let you guess how they got there. The same guy who sneaked into the laundry room this morning and proceeded to knock stuff off the dryer and on to the floor. Nobody else goes near the laundry room. I try to not go near the laundry room if I can help it. I certainly wouldn't throw something valuable on the floor behind the door in there! DASH!!!!!

So, I sit and ponder life with my animals around me. And if you think I prefer animals to people because they can't talk or criticize or judge or get stubborn and opinionated, then you haven't been reading my blog. They do all of the above. The difference is they can't be bothered with petty nonsense. For example, Jack just informed me he would rather be outside in the heat than inside listening to me complain about people on Facebook another second.

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