Thursday, February 25, 2016

Day Three Hundred Eight

Death by Sweater

I posted a video of this on my Facebook page but thought it deserved special attention here. When the temperature started to drop, I bought Boo! a sweater. Mean of me, huh? Well, it turns out, Boo! thinks I planned to kill her with it.

It's like this. She is so tiny; has short hair and very little body fat. Boo! loves to go outside but, when it's chilly, she ends up sitting sphinxlike, shivering, in a little ball. So, I ordered a teeny, tiny sweater for her. It's adorable. She thinks it's an instrument of torture.

The first time I tried to put it on her, she slid right out of it, like a hotdog through a bun. The second time we tried it, she went a little crazy, remembering the first time, and ran away. I decided to just let it lie around awhile so she could smell it and hopefully realize it wouldn't kill her.

This morning, it is chilly, and I felt so bad for her shivering on the porch, but not wanting to come in. So I scooped her up and slid the sweater over her head. I even managed to get her little legs into the leg holes. Success.  The only problem was, she did not get the point.

To her, I may as well have put her in a straight jacket. She ran into the dining room and hid behind the mirror. When she finally came out, she acted like she couldn't walk. There was a major amount of drama going on for such a minor event.

What did I do to deserve such abuse?

At this point, Dash must have picked up on her angst and came running in, like the protective big brother he is. He looked at her, smelled the sweater then looked up at me like, "What did she do now? And isn't this a bit extreme?!"

Look at me! I can't even walk!
I'm gonna die right here...

I'll get you out of this thing somehow!
Just let me think!

You push and I'll pull!

One by one, the rest of the guys had to inspect poor Boo! Even Jack and Rooney got in on it. Boo! must have been giving off serious distress waves or hormones. I don't know. All I do know is that I was getting some pretty nasty looks. When I heard growling and saw Boo! in mid-swipe, I grabbed her right before she took out one of Rooney's eyes. She was mad. I even caught the brunt of it on my leg.

What I envisioned....

What I got.

Anyway, the sweater came off and Boo! happily ran away. I don't get it. If I was cold and somebody offered me a sweater I would say "Gee, thanks. How nice of you." But then I've never been an Aby who must value freedom over all things. 

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