Friday, February 5, 2016

Day Two Hundred Eighty Eight

Rent A Boo!

As I was watching the whirling dervish (AKA Boo!) spin around the house, it occurred to me she is the perfect antidote for depression. Not the serious type of depression that requires more than a tiny Aby can treat, but the "blues, blahs and cabin fever."

Whirling Dervish

I then imagined renting her out to people who need a good laugh and to have their spirits lifted. It is impossible to keep a straight face or be grumpy with her around. Of course, I would never, ever, in a million years let her leave my sight, but I had fun imagining it. And for those clever skeptics in my life, no I'm not fantasizing about getting a break from her for awhile. I'm not. Honest...

The ad would read:
"Life Got You Down? Aby for rent. Guaranteed to chase the blues away."
Now, there would be a contract with strict stipulations:
She must be monitored at all times.
She is not allowed to go outside.
House must be Aby proofed (as in all valuables - including things hanging on the walls - must be removed.)
I am not responsible for anything valuable she breaks.
Oh, and I have to accompany her.

It is chilly this morning but the cats really want to be outside. From the kitchen window, I can see Fancy curled up in a cat cube. They are made from the same material as tents and make a great viewing area out of the wind. The only problem is, he's rolling it awfully close to the pool. He can't really see where he's going so I may have to rescue him. The pool water is cold.

Well, it's another Big Day in Matchettville. Labeling it Big Week would have been more accurate. Today, the windows are getting washed! Yea! To be honest, the windows need to be replaced, but I take my battles one at a time. Fireplace was just done out of necessity; pool refinishing and deck repair is next, so I guess new windows are way down on the list. Besides, with eight nosy noses constantly pressed up against the windows on a daily basis, it doesn't really matter if they're new or not...

Last night Rooney decided she had to sleep in our bed. Now, she weighs 150 pounds and is basically the size of an average adult human. She plunked herself down in between us - on top of the covers - which meant they could not be moved. Oh, and she snorts. Well, it's more of a whistle/wheeze.

At some point, she decided the bed was too crowded and perhaps it would be nice if I moved. She bored a hole into me with her laser glare and looked to her bed as if to point out it would be much better if I just slept in her bed on the floor. She was the canine equivalent of Vanna White pointing out the features of her Big Barker dog bed. Yea, right. I just turned over and tried to sleep with just a tiny sliver of blanket to cover my butt.

I know people (shoot - family, friends, strangers) think I'm crazy to have so many animals around. They're afraid I am on the path to hoarderdom. Well, I can assure you all, I know my limits. Besides, you don't want to know me pet-less. I am not happy. However, don't be surprised if you see me on the news someday...

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