Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Day Three Hundred Seven

Rainy Day

I love rainy days. Living in Florida, where the sun becomes somewhat of a nuisance, it's nice to get a break from the searing rays and just enjoy nature taking a shower. Everyone here is lazy. The rain brings them down to that. I am just mellow. - and introspective.

The downside of everyone being mellow, however, is the lack of material about which to write. Even Boo! is quiet today, which is so rare for her. After assaulting me in bed this morning, she has kept a low profile. She wasn't even interested in racing into the bedroom when I opened the door and went in there to deposit clean laundry. I went into the laundry room and she just sat there looking at me. Hmmmm

I chatted with a dear friend today and he told me about his new kid - a rescued Cocker Spaniel. He described him as sweet but a little stubborn. Snort! That could be any one of the creatures living here! They are all sweet, but quirky; well behaved but stubborn. As a matter of fact, that would describe my kids as well! Unconditional love means you take the sweet with the sour. Perhaps it has more to do with the "parent" than the "kid" - of any species.

Another thought I had today was about control. When I was a young mother, or a mother of young children, I struggled with letting go of control. Everything tells you to be in charge and responsible. A good parent does such and such, etc. The problem with that is nothing is really in our control. I drove myself crazy with the illusion of it. It wasn't until I truly realized I have no control over anything but my own reaction or response to a situation, the shackles came off. Honestly, life is not fair to young parents. It just isn't.

I am still responsible in my new role as zookeeper, (smack my face cause I hate zoos - but the title fits) and strive to be conscientious and attentive. But I don't have the same sense of urgency. I mean, I am not working toward getting any of them into a good college; or concerned about their moral upbringing; couldn't care less about their table manners. And the best part is, they do not outgrow clothes or shoes! About the only commonality would be nutrition and wellbeing. Oh, and happiness. And safety... Have I missed anything?

Fancy and I had a good, long chat last night. He was sitting on my lap trying to get me to play the "rub my belly and then I will attack your hands" game. I was not cooperating. He pulled out all the stops in getting me to engage in his scheme. He would stretch his arms back and pull my hands toward him and act like he would never in a million years bite or scratch me. And then he did. Once. I informed him that I was not buying into his tricks. If he wanted to sit with me and be nice - fine. Otherwise, he could just leave.

This is usually where I get tricked into rubbing his tummy -
then "GOTCHA"- the game changes.

That's when he said something to the effect that (he) is a cat and this is what cats do. If I loved him I would know this. It goes against everything (he) is to not react to a belly rub in this way. I asked him why he even bothers to set it in motion in the first place. His response was, well, hey, it's what we do and we have to at least try. There are tons of things humans do that animals hate, but because (they) love us (they) put up with them.

I asked him for examples.

First of all, Fancy hates it when people run their hands over his back. It feels funny. And he hates loud noises and I am the loudest person on Earth. Fancy does not like to be confined, so when I want to hold him he freaks out. He also hates it when I ignore his pleas for treats.

Hmmm. I got schooled. I am either losing my marbles or really getting into this animal communicator thing. All I know is, I love this phase of my life. Don't get me wrong, I loved raising my children, but life was incredibly stressful. I was a terrible "child communicator."  I am better at this than anything I've ever done.  For this I am grateful.

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