Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Day Two Hundred Eighty Five

Big Day

It had been awhile since we had the fireplace inspected and, when we finally did, it was determined the flue pipe was rusted out. This posed a fire hazard so we had no other option but to have the whole thing replaced. Now, I do not like to have things in chaos, so I put it off as long as I could. I love to have a nice cozy fire going on cold evenings and I really missed it during the brief cold spell a week ago.

Well, the big day finally arrived...

This is the reason I put it off as long as possible. Prediction: Boo! will be the first one crawling into the gaps and up the flue pipe. Fortunately, it isn't open all the way to the roof. I had visions of her climbing up the thing and me calling Fire and Rescue to come get her down. Before I release all six cats from the front bedroom, a handyman is coming by to cover the whole thing with plastic. It's always something...

Speaking of the Tiny Wonder, Andy and I were laughing at her this morning. (Well we laugh at her all the time but she was especially cute today.) We moved all of the furniture out of the family room so the contractors could get through. This left a vast, uncluttered space; perfect for running and sliding across the tile floor. She would get up a head of steam then tear across the floor and slide into the furniture in the next room. We nearly died laughing. She looked like a kid on a Slip 'n Slide! Everybody else just stood there watching her like she was crazy...

I am so loving this BD (named Copper by my granddaughter.) If one likes lizards, they make a wonderful pet. I had one of my Ah-hah moments while I was watching her patiently stalking crickets. She was perfectly still and then pounced whenever one came close. It occurred to me then why they have such a calm presence. They have to be almost Zen-like to be still enough to catch hopping/ flying/ scurrying bugs! When I hold her, she wraps her little fingers around mine and I just melt.

She is also very smart. Whenever I slide the lid open, she knows the sound of the tube holding crickets versus just me wanting to pet or hold her. If she sees the tube, she waits with her mouth open like a baby bird. Yep, I am smitten by this tiny creature.

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