Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Day Two Hundred Ninety Three

Move Over, EP!

Time for an assessment of everyone's happiness level. It's either that or I fall into a pit of despair and write accordingly. Nobody really needs Existential Patti today so I will spare you. Let's go for the chuckles, shall we...

Me: Okay, guys. We haven't had a talk lately, so now's as good a time as any. I'd like to know how you're all doing. Who wants to start?

Boo!: I don't know what we're doing but I want to be first! What are we doing?

Me: Well, this is your chance to tell us how you're feeling. Are you happy here? Do you have everything you need?

Boo!: Oh, I love it here! I like the food and my toys and I love that box of bugs and the thing in the big glass case. It looks scary but I figured out it can't get me.

Eli: Humph! Of course you like everything. You're the baby and she treats you like a princess! You take ALL the food and toys and pretty much make a mess wherever you go. I do not like having a box of bugs in the house! And if you jump out at me one more time - it's curtains for you, missy.

Hey! Wake up!

I'm talking to you!

Boo: Wake up you big old poop!
Eli: See this is what I'm talking about!
I'm gonna have to kill her!

Dash: Now wait a minute, you big old grump! Just about everything makes you mad. I love it here and I love my sister and I like the bugs, too. But you are such a sourpuss. Can't you lighten up?

Me: Okay, let's not all gang up on Eli. He was here first and he's had to put up with a lot.  Be nice.

Finn: I'm happy. Nothing bothers me. The food's okay. I'm happy. Life is good.

Eli: Oh, for the love of.... you're all idiots. I can't even believe you're cats! Fancy, you tell them!

Fancy: Don't drag me into this. I'm a happy guy. It's nice and warm. The food is great. We get to go outside without worrying about monsters getting us. You don't know how good you all have it. Trust me - this is paradise.

Eli: Oooh - Paradise? Do you even know what that word means? Forget it. I don't need your help. I'm putting you all on notice. I may just hiss at you now but I'm going to start using my teeth and claws. Then you'll respect me.

Me: Gee whiz, Eli. I had no idea you were so unhappy. Let's take it down a notch. Chance, we haven't heard from you yet. How're you doing, buddy?

Chance: Well, I'll tell you. I don't know what's going on. I'm happy when I can be outside. Can I go outside now?

Me: Go ahead, everybody. Have fun! Just please let me know if there are any problems before you take it out on each other. I love each one of you and I want you to be happy.

Well, I guess Jack and Rooney have no complaints. Rooney is a happy girl because she got to sleep in our bed last night. Jack has no desire to do that. I know Roxy's happy cause she got a new fuzzy bed. Even Copper seems happy.

Live, love, laugh and take each day as a precious gift. I mean that. Do not take anything for granted. If someone is on your heart, call them and tell them how much they mean to you. Give two hugs, not one. It's probably not your last day today - but just to be safe - pretend it is and let those you love know it. Cheers!

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