Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Day Three Hundred Six

Cricket Madness

You know something is truly annoying when your ten year old granddaughter complains about it. The same girl who is used to dealing with the annoyances of three little boys and a Dad who's a noise machine.

I am, of course, referring to the crickets in a box - AKA Copper's food. They chirp. A lot. The sound is similar to the sound my dryer makes when the belt is wearing out. Or, like a squeaky gate in need of WD40. A gate that is being repeatedly opened and closed by an evil, manic troll. I want to smash the box into a million pieces.

So, when my granddaughter suggested perhaps we could move the box into another room - preferably in somebody else's house - I knew she suffered from cricket madness.  This is when you can't tell if it's really the bugs making all that noise or your ears are going terribly wrong. Tinnitus on uppers. She also had that same look on her face I get when the noise level is making me want to rip my face off. It's in the eyes.

I can't move the cricket keeper into the bathroom, because my grandson can't remember to flush, let alone close the door, so Boo! doesn't release the crickets - again. I settled on the laundry room. Except, then I kept thinking the dryer was running. Imagine my surprise when I went to unload the dryer and all I found were soggy clothes in the washer that needed to be washed all over again.

I also discovered Copper isn't eating the tiny crickets, only the large ones. I asked a pet store person about this and she said the BD probably can't see them. Can't see them!? This is a lizard with laser vision. What the heck - can't see them...

I think the real reason is she can't bear to eat babies (yea right) or they taste funny. I'll bet they aren't as gooey as the big honkers, so she just passes on them. Consequently, there are dozens of them lining the walls of her cave. The cave she has outgrown, btw. I'm sure you can take this to its logical conclusion on your own. If not, then I will help you. I have to flip the cave every day and relocate the crickets by hand.

Now, I've said this before but it bears repeating - crickets are like roaches with knees. Roaches. With knees. I would no sooner stick my hand into a cave (albeit a tiny one) filled with roaches than I would one filled with snakes.

But needs must. I release the tiny crickets from their hiding place, only to have them return later because Copper doesn't like them. I don't care if she can see them or not - I paid for them; feed them and have to listen to their infernal noise. She needs to belly up and dig in.


On a completely unrelated topic, I had to laugh when the gentleman from the pool company showed up to give an estimate on some work we need to have done. Jack and Rooney were in the bedroom but the cats were free to roam. All the cats were curious about the guy walking around the pool, but Dash and Boo! turned on the charm.

Well, actually, they started to show off. It got pretty intense and hilarious. They were chasing each other, following him, then hiding from the other cats and scaring them when they walked past. They got Fancy a good one.

The whole time they kept looking for a reaction from him. He was kinda focused which left them somewhat disappointed. I did my best to make up for his lack of attention by laughing my butt off. They truly are little hams.

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