Saturday, February 13, 2016

Day Two Hundred Ninety Six

Big Jack

Jack is quite the character. He has turned into a loyal and very protective guardian. As a puppy, he was a handful though. Indoors, he was a fairly docile guy. Outdoors, he turned into a maniac the minute we stepped into the back yard. In all fairness, he did come from a farm in Nebraska where the kennel owners also raised a big boy who played football. From the pictures I saw, their son played with the puppies in the yard.

Jack was used to playtime Nebraska style! When he got to wimpy Florida, with our tiny backyard and absolutely no hint of anyone with the stature of a young football player, well let's just say, it was a bit disappointing. He would get up a head of steam and hurl himself at his unwitting victim. Now, he would bounce off a linebacker. Whamming into an old lady produced a much different outcome. We had work to do.

Jack had lots of training. Then came the day six month old Jack was attacked by a full grown Boxer. She was loose in her owner's garage and came running after Jack as we were walking past their house. That left a lasting impression on puppy Jack and, even though he grew to ten times that dog's size, he was still convinced a dog would lunge at him whenever we took a walk. Out there he must still feel like a helpless puppy.

Rooney, on the other hand, learned from Day One how to deal with a bully. She doesn't have a shred of aggression in her massive body. She just looks terrifying. I have to laugh because she looks mighty but has the spirit of a - well I was going to say kitten but Boo! has proven that statement to be false. 

Just today, she was on the floor enjoying a piece of turkey when Jack came around the corner. Any other cat here would have left the turkey and run. Not Boo! She looked up at Jack and he backed away like she had cast a spell on him. That's our Boo!

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