Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Day Two Hundred Ninety Nine

Flying, Cat Hair and Lizard Poop

First of all, I feel the need to clarify something. Scratch that - it should be "think" not "feel." Well, now, wait a minute. It could either be, "I think I need to clarify..." or "Feel the need" would work because it is a feeling after all. I used to teach communication skills and should know better....


Anyway, something was brought to my attention today and I want to make a slight correction. In one of my posts, I declared the Bearded Dragon is my "favorite." While I truly do love Copper, all of my babies are my favorites in their own way.  Each is unique and I couldn't pull off a Sophie's Choice to save my own life. Now that this is straightened out, I need a topic dujour.  Let me get my funnel...

That was easy. In the short time it took for me to move my computer desk and vacuum, Boo! stepped on my computer keyboard and changed all of my settings. The printing is huge and my screen is small.....ergggg

I know you're probably tired of reading about Boo! escapades, but they seem to happen on a regular basis. She is, without a doubt, the most entertaining creature I've ever known. Boo! is the Pippi Longstocking of the feline world. Her confidence level is off the charts. I think the Rags and Fancy came into my life to bring me comfort. She and Dash are strictly here to bring comic relief. 

Everything she does is intentional. Eating, sleeping and playing are all accomplished with the same intensity. I hope to come back in my next lifetime as an Aby. But I want to come back to an old lady just like the "now" me so the "Aby" me can bring her the same amount of fun and laughs.

Okay, well, that was unexpected. As I sit at my desk, in front of the dining room window now, I am chuckling to myself as the sunlight streams through the glass. All of my life I have seen dust fairies floating in the air on sun rays. At this point, all I see are cat hairs! They have replaced the dust sparkles! This cannot be healthy.

I have two major issues on my mind today. 1) Andy is flying and 2) Copper hasn't pooped in two days. I can't do a thing about either of those except wait and worry. I think I have to do some more research on Beardies. I did see on YouTube yesterday that it's not good to feed them mealworms because of the hard shell on the worms. I don't need to be told twice - I despise those creepy things. I may be giving her too many crickets. She eats kale and carrots, too, but sure loves those hoppy bugs.

I shall put writer and reader out of their collective misery by bringing this stream of consciousness to an end.  I think I have eaten too many peach rings. That they taste like shampoo should have been the tip off...

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